There are 5 main tenets in Spiritism
The first tenet is the Existence of God. God is the creator, the Supreme Intelligence, and the primary cause of all things. The magnitude, order, and harmony that exist in the universe must be the work of an absolutely intelligent and wise Being. There is no impact without a cause. Considering nature's miracles and the harmonious working of our own body, which follows perfect rhythm regardless of our will, compels us to believe in God as its necessary cause. We can also perceive his existence through our senses: there has always been an innate idea of God's existence in every individual, of all people and times.
The Immortality of the Soul is the second tenet. The spirit is the universe's intelligent principle. God creates it simple and uninformed in order for it to evolve and fulfill itself through its own efforts. We existed as spirits before we were born on Earth, and we shall continue to exist after we die physically. When a spirit inhabits a physical body, we refer to it as an incarnated spirit. When a person is born, the spirit reincarnates; when a person dies, the spirit disincarnates and returns to the spiritual world from which it came.
The next tenet is the Spirit Communicability. The discarnated spirits retain the same traits as when they were alive: they can be good or bad, serious or playful, educated or rude. They're everywhere and can see us. If we are both vibrating at the same frequency, they can read our minds and control them. The discarnated spirit can and will communicate through a medium if it so desires. The mode of communication depends on the sort of mediumship: it can be by speech (psychophonia), writing (psychographics), hitting (typtology), or other means. The moral character of the media determines the quality of communication. People who are suitable attract positive energy. Mediums who use their gift for their own gain attract less evolved spirits.
Fourthly, Reincarnation is necessary for the progress of the spirit. As a school, it offers a variety of experiences that guide the spirit to moral and intellectual growth. The spirit incarnates and reincarnates as many times as necessary in order to evolve and gain more knowledge, and to get closer and closer to God. Reincarnation also permits us to reconnect with loved ones or people with whom we had issues in previous lifetimes in order to re-start relationships and pay off debts with them.
The last tenet of Spiritism is the Diversity of Inhabited Worlds. Not all reincarnations take place on Earth. Because God did not create anything useless, all existing worlds are populated. planets, like souls, evolve, and there are planets above and below the Earth. The Earth is a globe of proof and atonement, a morally deficient world where the bad dominates the good. However, it is currently transitioning into a world of regeneration, in which the terrible will equal the good and men will become more fraternal and giving.