Three-Toed Sloth

The three-toed sloth is a neotropical arboreal animal (also known as "three-fingered" sloths). They are the only members of the Bradypus genus and Bradypodidae family. Brown-throated sloths, maned sloths, pale-throated sloths, and pygmy three-toed sloths are the four living species of three-toed sloths.
Sloths spend their days sluggishly traveling through the treetops. Their sluggishness can be attributed to their extremely low metabolic rate. Because of their slow metabolism, they just require a few leaves and twigs to survive. According to National Geographic, they move at a blazing speed of 1 foot per minute, so slowly that algae grows on their coats.
Although sloth locomotion appears to be comparable to that of other animals, German zoologists discovered that their physical structures differ significantly. Their arms are incredibly long, yet their shoulder blades are relatively small. This allows them to reach a long distance without moving much, allowing them to conserve energy while doing the same actions as other animals.
Speed: 1 foot per minute