Thupparivaalan is a Tamil-language detective film directed by Mysskin. The movie revolves around a private detective, Kaniyan Poongundran (played by Vishal), who takes on a challenging case investigating the disappearance of a computer hacker and a series of murders that have taken place in the city. The film boasts an impressive cast, including Prasanna, Vinay, Anu Emmanuel, and Andrea Jeremiah, who play pivotal roles.
Thupparivaalan aroused attention with its unique storyline, incredible cinematography, and fantastic performances from its lead actors. Vishal's portrayal of Kaniyan Poongundran, a Sherlock Holmes-like character, was appreciated by the audience and critics alike. The film delves into the cyberworld, and the gripping storyline keeps the audience engaged until the very end.
Overall, Thupparivaalan is an excellent combination of suspense, action, and drama, and it is no wonder that it was a commercial and critical success. So, if you enjoy detective films, Thupparivaalan is a must-watch.
- Director: Mysskin
- Production company: Vishal Film Factory
- Release date: 14 September 14, 2017
- Box office: ₹16 crores