Time Passages

Time Passages is the next best horoscope site on the list today. It is always good to have your favorite apps on your iPhone, and if you are interested in horoscopes, TimePassages, which is free on iOS, is well worth the download. The Time Passages app is a fun way to check current astrology on the go, and it is the mobile version of the famous desktop software. You will get full readings of your sun, moon, and rising signs, as well as access to an extensive vocabulary, to learn more about astrology.

The purpose of Time Passages is to provide astrological tools and views for increased self-awareness and communal knowledge in the ever-changing environment. Time Passages, one of the more technologically advanced astrology apps, can now use your GPS to center the chart on your current location.

Platforms: iOS, Android

Price: Free/In-app purchases

Time Passages Logo. Photo: play.google.com
Time Passages Logo. Photo: play.google.com
Time Passages. Photo: astrograph.com
Time Passages. Photo: astrograph.com

Top 10 Best Horoscope Sites

  1. top 1 The Daily Horoscope
  2. top 2 The Pattern
  3. top 3 Astrology Zone
  4. top 4 My Horoscope
  5. top 5 Astro Poets
  6. top 6 Yodha
  7. top 7 Co-Star
  8. top 8 Tarot!
  9. top 9 Time Passages
  10. top 10 Chani Nicholas

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