To make the world better, she created an online network of optimists
Melinda doesn't want her to be the last person to bring up the topic of global innovation. She developed the online platform Evoke to engage individuals from all walks of life in bettering the planet.
The purpose of the content platform was to "evoke that sense of possibility" “to start conversations, amplify new voices, and forge stronger bonds between change-makers” according to Gates, who developed it with assistance from her autonomous executive office Pivotal Ventures.
Evoke will release stories centered on a particular theme once a month. The emphasis is "forward" for March, which is Women's History Month. The website's initial content includes articles about Girls Garage or utilizing Kenya's young. By "Fresh Takes," "Deep Dives," and "Big Ideas," the content is arranged. On the organization's website, Melinda writes, "I like to think of us as a community of possibilists—people who believe the world can get better and are determined to do our part to improve it.
The Moment of Lift, a new book by Gates that draws on her travels throughout the world to illustrate how empowering women can change societies, is also promoted by Evoke. To pursue initiatives related to gender inequality and women's empowerment that might not fit inside the framework of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Gates established Pivotal Ventures in 2015.