Tokyo Bike
Tokyo Bike is a popular brand that creates exceptional bicycles designed for modern city living. Their bikes are stylish, lightweight, and easy to maneuver—perfect for zipping through busy streets or exploring urban neighborhoods.
The brand offers a diverse range of bikes for every type of rider, from classic single-speed options to high-performance models with advanced features. Each bike is crafted with high-quality materials, ensuring durability and longevity.
One unique aspect of Tokyo Bikes is their aesthetic. The brand takes inspiration from Japanese minimalism, resulting in a sleek and timeless design that blends form and function seamlessly. If you're looking for a high-quality bike that's both stylish and practical, Tokyo Bike is definitely worth considering. Their collection is highly praised by cyclists all over the world, and their products are available in numerous countries, including the United States, Canada, and the UK.
Founded: 2002
Founder: Ichiro Kanai.
Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan