Launched in 2008, Tor is a website with something for everyone, whether you enjoy any subgenres of fantasy. Dark fantasy with unsettling and supernatural themes, urban fantasy set in contemporary cities but with magic and mythological creatures, or military fiction that explores epic battles and strategic warfare in magical worlds are all available on Tor. Thanks to the platform's wide range of offerings, fantasy fans can explore and enjoy a variety of subgenres and themes that suit their preferences.
Tor provides free original fiction, reprints, and comics on its website, adding new content every week. Tor focuses on science fiction and fantasy, making it a popular destination for readers who enjoy exploring imaginative and fantastical worlds.
Tor selects free ebook collections and offers individual stories through well-known online shops like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Apple's iBooks. These anthologies give visitors a handy way to peruse a selection of gripping narratives by compiling the site's finest stories of the year or focusing on certain, timely themes.
From book reviews to exclusive excerpts and news, Tor provides a comprehensive experience for fans. Some notable fantasy novels like "Seven Vampires: A Judge Dee Mystery," "Fruiting Bodies" by Kemi Ashing-Giwa, and "Siren Queen" have been released on the website, making it an exciting platform for readers interested in these genres.