Totsukuni no Shoujo
In a distant land divided into two realms, the Outside was home to teratomorphic beings, capable of cursing those they touched. Safety for humans lay only within the confines of the Inside. Yet, when a lost girl named Shiva from the Inside encounters a demonic-looking Outsider known as "Teacher," an unexpected coexistence begins in the same part of the forest. Their connection appears to defy their disparate natures, marking the inception of a folktale that unfolds in the ambiguous twilight between night and day, narrating the tale of two outcasts - one human, one otherworldly.
"Totsukuni no Shoujo," characterized by a harmonious blend of sounds and aesthetics, is akin to immersing oneself in the pages of a dynamic manga. Despite its brevity, the narrative unfolds into a compelling and emotionally resonant story to explore the themes of unspoken connections and the inherent struggle between good and evil - layered by the insightful portrayal of parental struggles. Furthermore, it also deftly explores the dynamics of parenthood, portraying the profound sacrifices and unwavering dedication of a parental figure, albeit in an otherworldly context.
The exploration of these familial themes adds another layer of impressive resonance that lingers long after the tale concludes. As such, "Totsukuni no Shoujo" is regarded by many as one of the studio's best works.
Release: 2019
MyAnimeList Score: 7.55/10