Tree Frog
What a pair of large eyes you have! The eyes of the tree frog protrude from the skull, giving them a bulging, alien-like appearance. The feature serves as a form of defense. The "startle coloring" is what it's termed. When a tree frog closes its eyes, the eyelids, like the rest of its body, merge into the environment. The frog will open its eyes if it is approached by a predator. The predator is temporarily paralyzed by the startling motion of the huge eyes. The move provides the animal with a small window of opportunity to flee.
In addition, its large eyes aid in its swallowing process. The eyes of a tree frog retract into the head once it has grabbed prey in its jaws, forcing the meal down and allowing the frog to swallow. Frogs, like humans, have teeth and a tongue, but their teeth are used to retain the prey in the mouth rather than eat. The tongue of a frog is linked to the front of the mouth rather than the rear, as it is in ours. This is why swallowing without the aid of the eyes is tough for a frog.
Frogs' big eyes are unique in many ways. To begin with, this amphibian spends a significant amount of time in the water. Tree frogs have three eyelids, two transparent eyelids, and one semi-transparent eyelid to swim in garbage-filled water. A pseudo-membrane is the name for this semi-transparent sheet. It may be completely closed to protect the frogs' eyes underwater. The frog's eyes are positioned on top of the sides of the head, giving them a greater view that spans 360 degrees. While underwater, they can even see what's going on outside.
Scientific Name: Hylidae
Eye Diameter: About 3-5 cm