Trulia is an American online real estate marketplace owned by Zillow. It helps buyers and renters identify houses and neighborhoods around the United States by providing suggestions, local insights, and map overlays with information on a commute, schools, churches, and neighboring businesses. Trulia was founded in 2005 in San Francisco, California, and is owned and operated by Zillow Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: Z and ZG). Trulia is a trademark owned by Trulia, LLC.
Trulia, like other popular property searching tools, can help you simply find and compare homes. You can search for homes based on a variety of criteria, such as the number of bedrooms, price range, home type, and more. The website and app are easy to use and provide a general overview of the surrounding neighborhood as well as other houses in the region. Trulia provides an interactive map feature where you may learn more about the neighborhood, which is a unique and useful tool. For example, by using the "crime filter," you may determine where crime is the highest or lowest in a certain area. Commute times, neighboring schools, median age ranges, house affordability scores, and the location of restaurants and stores in the neighborhoods are all search parameters.
- Because Trulia is owned by Zillow, the listing information is the same.
- Trulia provides information about individual communities, making it a useful tool if you're relocating to a new place.