Tubi has emerged as one of the best sites to watch movies online for free in the US, providing a vast collection of films across various genres. Developed by Tubi, Inc., the site was released in 2014, offering a platform for free, ad-supported streaming. Some top movies available on Tubi include "The Shawshank Redemption," a gripping drama about hope and redemption, "Pulp Fiction," a cult classic crime film directed by Quentin Tarantino, and "The Matrix," a groundbreaking sci-fi action thriller.
Tubi has gained fame for its extensive library of free content, attracting users with its diverse range of categories such as drama, comedy, action, romance, and more. The platform's user-friendly interface and availability on multiple devices have contributed to its popularity among movie enthusiasts.
Founded: 2014
Founder: Tubi, Inc.
Headquarters: San Francisco, California, United States
Official Website: https://tubitv.com/