Turbo Incanto T702SSV
Undoubtedly, Turbo Incanto T702SSV costs a lot of money, but luckily, there are cost-efficient options like the Turbo Incanto T702SSV. It’s a two-burner gas hob made out of premium stainless steel, so there’s no doubt about its durability.
It doesn’t come with a lot of special features since it’s a budget-friendly cooker hob, but it works well. Furthermore, it comes with a double burner affixed with an inner ring control device, on top of a cast-iron pot stand.
Another thing about the Turbo Incanto T702SSV is the copper alloy burners with a safety valve that minimizes the chances of an accident from happening. It’s quite rare for cheap cooker hobs to have these safety features, so it’s definitely a special one.
As with all gas hobs, Turbo Incanto T702SSV needs to be connected to a gas line or pipe in order to work, so there’s no need to worry about seeing an increase in your electricity bill.
When it comes to post-meal preparation clean-up, This hop doesn’t require as much effort as other gas hops. It integrates a large and smooth surface that can be wiped clean with a wet microfiber cloth.
Type: Gas hob
No. of burners: 2
Size: 70 x 50 x 6cm
Price: S$379.00
Country: Singapore
Best price at: https://shopee.sg/