Usagi Drop
"Usagi Drop" revolves around Daikichi Kawachi; at 30 years old, he is a bachelor leading a fairly ordinary life, albeit with no clear direction. His life takes an unexpected turn when his grandfather passes away, and he returns to the family home to attend the funeral. There, he encounters a young girl named Rin, who, to Daikichi's surprise, is his grandfather's illegitimate child.
Rin, a shy and introverted child, is considered an embarrassment to the family. In the wake of the grandfather's death, she is shunned by his relatives, who refuse to take responsibility for her. Outraged by their heartlessness,
Daikichi decides to take Rin under his wing despite being a young, single man with no prior experience in childcare. "Usagi Drop" delves into Daikichi's journey through parenthood as he navigates the challenges of raising Rin with love and care.
Release: 2011
MyAnimeList Score: 8.35/10