Utsuro-bune woman
Hyouryuukishuu (Tales of Castaways), a Japanese work from the Meiji Period, claims that an alien ship crashed in 1803 close to the village of Harashagahama in what is now Hitachi Province. It was hollow, three meters tall by five meters wide, and had a flying saucer-like appearance. However, most of it was constructed of wood. A young, pallid woman, maybe no older than 20, was inside. She was holding a tiny wooden box in her arms, which she kept to herself.
She wasn't from Japan, based on her unusual language and red hair. Locals returned her to the sea after talking about the situation. She must be an exile, they reasoned, thus this must be her lot. They speculated that she may have cheated on her husband and, because she was a princess, had managed to avoid death by choosing exile.
In actuality, this wasn't the first time a hollow craft, or utsuro-bune, had washed up on the shore. A similar incident involving a woman and a man's severed head occurred at a nearby beach. Perhaps it was in the package this time.