Vaccination Status
The COVID-19 pandemic has had more ups and downs than a Pogo stick, but one thing that has gradually emerged from it is the gap between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Those who remained unvaccinated discovered that the world was becoming increasingly hostile to them. Those who couldn't prove their vaccination status were denied access to restaurants, movie theaters, and borders. And if you can't eat in a restaurant without being vaccinated, it stands to reason that you won't be able to get a lung transplant either.
With more than half the world vaccinated, including approximately 64% of the United States, hospitals have begun to take serious measures against the unvaccinated. Most notably, they denied a heart transplant to DJ Ferguson, 31, in part because he was still unvaccinated.
According to the hospital, they consider vaccine status and lifestyle choices when determining who qualifies for the very limited number of organ transplants in order to give recipients the best chance of survival. In other words, if you are unwilling to be vaccinated against a disease that will almost certainly kill you due to your compromised post-transplant immune system, they will not proceed with the procedure. After a transplant, a patient's immune system is virtually non-existent, so the vaccine is critical in their eyes.