“Verity” introduces Lowen Ashleigh, a struggling writer who is hired to complete the remaining books in a successful series after the original author, Verity Crawford, is incapacitated. As Lowen delves into Verity's unfinished manuscripts, she discovers a chilling autobiography that reveals Verity's unsettling past and disturbing behaviors. The shocking revelations impact not only Lowen's understanding of Verity but also her own safety and well-being.
"Verity" is known for its twists, turns, and surprises that keep you suspenseful until the end. The book discusses trust, truth, and the blurry lines between reality and fiction. The characters are morally complex, which means it's hard to tell who's good or bad. The evolving relationship between Lowen and Jeremy, Verity's mysterious husband, adds more intrigue to the story.
Colleen Hoover's storytelling keeps readers hooked with a mix of mystery, romance, and psychological tension. The characters' inner struggles and complex emotions make the story even more engaging. It's a story about human nature, moral choices, and the consequences of deceit. As one of the best psychological thriller novels, "Verity" will leave you thinking long after you finish it.
Author: Colleen Hoover
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Ratings: 4.6 out of 5 stars (from 313,022 reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #70 in Books
#18 in Suspense Thrillers
#19 in Psychological Thrillers (Books)
#64 in Contemporary Romance (Books)