Vimeo has gained recognition as one of the top platforms for watching movies online for free in Kenya, offering a unique selection of films and a user-friendly experience. Developed by a dedicated team, the site provides viewers with a diverse range of movies from various genres. While the specific release date is not specified, Vimeo has been serving Kenyan viewers for a significant period. It showcases a variety of top-watched movies, including popular titles such as "Moonlight" and "Whiplash."
Vimeo has gained fame for its curated collection of independent films, documentaries, and short films, attracting a niche audience seeking high-quality and thought-provoking content. The site's emphasis on artistic expression, creativity, and originality has contributed to its popularity among film enthusiasts. With a substantial number of monthly visitors, Vimeo has become a preferred platform for Kenyan viewers seeking free access to unique and engaging movies.
Founded: 2004
Founder: Zach Klein, Jake Lodwick
Headquarters: New York, United States
Official website: