"Vincenzo" is a highly captivating K-drama series that took Netflix by storm in 2021, and it effortlessly stands out as one of the best K-dramas with a strong female lead. While the central plot centers around the enigmatic Vincenzo Cassano, a former Italian consigliere making his way back to South Korea, it is the formidable Cha-Young (Jeon Yeo-Boon) that steals the spotlight.
Cha-Young, a former prosecutor working at a firm representing the corrupt Babel Group company, discovers that her father's murder was orchestrated by none other than this very organization. Determined to bring about justice, she teams up with Vincenzo (Song Joong-Ki), embarking on a thrilling journey of twists and turns. Amidst Cha-Young's infectious and carefree demeanor lies an unwavering determination to dismantle Babel Group, shielding her loved ones at all costs. Her ability to seamlessly switch between laughter-inducing moments and spine-chilling intensity only further captivates audiences.
With Cha-Young's relentless pursuit of justice and Vincenzo's charismatic presence, Vincenzo has undoubtedly become a must-watch K-drama that leaves viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting each thrilling twist and turn.
Original release: February 20 - May 2, 2021
Running time: 85 minutes
Directed by: Kim Hee-won
Stars: Song Joong-ki, Jeon Yeo-been, Ok Taec-yeon, Kim Yeo-jin, Kwak Dong-yeon
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