Vivo (2021)
Vivo is a 2021 American computer-animated musical comedy film produced by Sony Pictures Animation. The film is directed by Kirk DeMicco and co-directed by Brandon Jeffords, from a screenplay by DeMicco and Quiara Alegría Hudes, and a story that was based on an original idea by Peter Barsocchini; with songs written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, who voices the title character in the film. Vivo was released in select theatres on July 30, 2021, and digitally on Netflix on August 6, 2021.
Lin-Manuel Miranda’s animated tale of a Cuban girl and her lovable kinkajou’s journey to write a timeless love song is a musical confection unlike anything Netflix has released. The songs are expectedly explosive, but it’s the vividly realized world its characters occupy that puts Vivo in a class of its own. The film received generally positive reviews from critics, who praised the animation, voice performances, and musical numbers. Therefore, it can be said that Vivo is one of the best new kids' movies on Netflix US.