VIZ has established itself as one of the top destinations for free manga reading, captivating manga enthusiasts with its extensive collection and user-friendly interface. Developed by a dedicated team, the site has been providing its services for several years, catering to manga lovers worldwide.
VIZ offers a diverse range of popular manga titles, including highly acclaimed series such as "One Piece," "Naruto," "Attack on Titan," "My Hero Academia," and "Tokyo Ghoul." The site has gained fame for its vast library, encompassing various genres and attracting readers with its high-quality translations and official releases.
While specific monthly visitor numbers are not publicly disclosed, VIZ enjoys a significant monthly readership. Its rise to fame can be attributed to its reputable brand, licensed content, and commitment to providing a legal and reliable manga reading experience. The platform's dedication to supporting the manga industry and offering official translations has contributed to its reputation as one of the best sites for free manga reading.
Founded: 1986
Founder: Seiji Horibuchi
Headquarters: San Francisco, California, United States
Official Website: