Water Apple
Water apple, also known as watery rose apple or simply, rose apple, that goes with the scientific name Syzygium aqueum, is native to South East Asian countries and to certain tropical regions of India. Commonly referred to as "Chambakka" or “Pani Seb” in Hindi, “Jambu” or “Panneer Naval” in Tamil, “Jambakka” in Malayalam, and “Gulaabijamichettu” or “Gulaabijamikaayalu” in Telugu, this succulent, delicious fruit is popular for its thirst-quenching properties.
Despite having the widespread name "rose apple" and having an exterior that resembles an elongated apple, these nutrient-rich fruits have no resemblance to roses or apples in terms of flavor, aroma, or texture. When ripe, these delicious water apple fruits taste extremely sweet and have an inherently crunchy feel. However, because of its distinctively astringent flavor, the unripe green water apple is perfect for use in pickles, curries, and chutneys. Due to its low caloric and saturated fat content, the water apple fruit is excellent for weight loss. Additionally, it contains dietary fibers to aid with digestion and is cholesterol-free for improved heart health. The antioxidant vitamin C and the vitamin A required for healthy vision are both abundant in water apples. They are also rich in B vitamins, which can help control metabolism.