What are your favorite math games or activities to use in the classroom?
When students think of "fun," math class is unlikely to be the first thing that comes to mind. However, this does not have to be the case. There are approaches and exercises, both with and without computers, that can help bring your math lessons to life. You'll probably find that the benefit outweighs the effort of preparing and introducing them. After all, according to many studies from as early as the 1960s, engaged students pay more attention and perform better than disengaged ones.
It is significant because it allows the interviewer to better understand how the high school math teacher uses math in the classroom and what they value about math. This question also allows the interviewer to determine whether the high school math teacher is creative and knowledgeable about various math games and activities.
Answer: "I adore incorporating math games and activities into the classroom!" Some of my favorites are dice games for reviewing basic operations, set or card games for working on specific skills like probability or estimation, and online math games for giving students a chance to practice what we've been working on in class. I also love using puzzles and brainteasers as a way to get students thinking critically about math concepts.”