What is Vu Lan Festival?
Many people in East and Southeast Asia, including those in China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, and of course Vietnam, observe this Taoist and Buddhist event. According to legend, the gates of hell open on Vu Lan Day for a lunar month (or 24 hours, depending on the version of the story), during which time the tormented souls wander the earth and visit their previous homes.
For the Vu Lan Festival, every culture and even individual families have their own customs and rites, but the main focus is always on meetings of family members to pay respect to the dead and to show love and thanks. Families in Vietnam extend invitations to their ancestors and provide them with food, incense, prayers, and other gifts. For the lost people who have no family left, food and thoughts are provided. Additionally asked for are the wellbeing and happiness of the living.