Why should people do Pilates?

Pilates was brought to America in the 1920s by physical trainer Joseph Pilates as a means to assist injured athletes and dancers safely returning to activity and maintaining their health. Pilates has now been modified to meet the needs of the general public. Pilates may be both an aerobic and non-aerobic workout. Because you move your body through precise ranges of motion, it necessitates attention and focus. Pilates lengthens and extends all of your body's major muscle groups in a balanced manner. Finding a central point to direct your body via movement necessitates attention. Each exercise has a certain location, rhythm, and breathing pattern that must be followed.

Pilates has a number of health advantages, including better flexibility, spine stability, posture, physical coordination and balance, and focus. Through deep breathing and body awareness, doing Pilates also improves muscle strength and tone, notably in the abdominal muscles, lower back, hips, and buttocks, muscular control of your back and limbs, lung capacity, and circulation. Furthermore, it balanced muscular strength on both sides of your body and makes rehabilitation or prevention of injuries caused by muscle imbalances, relaxation of your shoulders, neck, and upper back, and safe rehabilitation of joint and spinal injuries, as well as prevention of musculoskeletal problems.

Pilates does not require you to stress your muscles to exhaustion, so there is no sweating or straining involved, only extreme attention. A variety of exercise sequences are repeated in low repetitions, generally five to ten times, during the course of a 45 to 90 minutes workout. Resistance is achieved by the use of mat work and specific equipment. The Pilates technique is tailored to each individual, and exercises are re-evaluated on a regular basis to ensure that they are still appropriate for that individual. This approach may be used by anybody, from professional athletes to persons with limited mobility, pregnant women, and people with poor fitness levels, due to the particular attention.

Source: healthdigest
Source: healthdigest
Source: verywellfit
Source: verywellfit

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