Williams' Bon Chrétien pear

The Williams' bon chrétien pear, often known as the Williams pear or the Bartlett pear in the United States and Canada, is the most widely produced type of pear outside of Asia. It is a cultivar of Pyrus communis, sometimes known as the European Pear. The fruit is shaped like a bell, which is regarded as the typical pear shape in the west, and its green skin becomes yellow as it ripens, however red-skinned derivative variants exist. It is a summer pear that is not as cold-hardy as some kinds. It is commonly eaten raw, but bakes nicely and is a popular option for canned or other processed pear usage.
Williams pears are high in antioxidants. Williams pears are high in antioxidants such as vitamin C and chlorogenic acid. These pears are the most popular and widely produced pear cultivar in the United States. It is a summer pear that is not as cold hardy as some kinds. It is commonly eaten raw, but bakes nicely and is a popular option for canned or other processed pear usage.
The Bartlett or Williams' Bon Chrétien pear has had an interesting voyage, but considering its favorable attributes, it's no surprise that it's so popular. Not only are these pears one of the largest varieties, but their juiciness and silky texture make them adaptable as a culinary element. Another thing to bear in mind is that this pear comes in both green and red variants.