Wolverines are not the strongest mammal
Folklore would have you believe that wolverines are the strongest creatures in the animal kingdom, but science has mostly disproven this. Although these animals can be violent, their bite is only fairly powerful: A 2007 research paper's conclusions state that the animal's canines have a bite force of 224 Newtons. Compare it to the polar bear's record-breaking value of 1646.7 Newtons, tigers, lions, and grizzlies aren't far behind.
To assess the biting force of animals with various body sizes, the researchers also computed the bite force quotient (BFQ). "Species with BFQs around 100 may be classified as having near "normal" biting force for their body size", the researchers state. Wolverines weigh in at roughly 105 pounds, which is very average. The Sun bear (160.5) and the palm civet (161.1) also have higher rankings, along with several other weasels. Mustela nivalis, or the least weasel, has the animal in the study with the greatest BFQ, coming in at 164. The Tasmanian Devil, with a BFQ of 181, surpasses them all.