Woodland is an example of rough elegance. The Aero group founded the brand in Quebec, Canada in 1992, and it is recognized for its heritage and legacy related with nature. Woodland is a luxury apparel company noted for its superb workmanship and timeless designs. Furthermore, their initial offering was hand-stitched leather shoes. This brand ranks 1st on the list of the Best Jacket Brands in India.
Woodland initially made an appearance on the Indian market in 1992. Initially, it was a prominent shoe brand known for producing the most durable shoes on the market. However, throughout the years, Woodland also ventured into the garment market in India, where it quickly established a large fan following.
This brand's jackets are still the best-made and most durable on the market, although they're a little more expensive. If you can afford a Woodland jacket, then you should do so because most of Woodland's coats are built to last for years. Woodland's marking is now a fashion statement in India, regardless of how old the piece of clothing is.
Founded: 1992
Office: New Delhi, India
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/woodlandadventure
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/woodlandexploremore/
Official website: https://www.woodlandworldwide.com/