WOWOW is a premier platform for watching movies online in Japanese. Developed by WOWOW Inc., the site offers a wide range of content to its users. WOWOW was released in 1991 and has gained significant recognition as a reliable source for Japanese movies. The platform provides a diverse selection of top-watched Japanese films across various genres.
Some notable movies available on WOWOW include "Shoplifters" (Manbiki Kazoku), a critically acclaimed drama about a unique family, "Battle Royale" (Batoru Rowaiaru), a thrilling dystopian film, "Confessions" (Kokuhaku), a gripping psychological thriller, "The Taste of Tea" (Cha no Aji), a whimsical and heartwarming story, and "Tokyo Sonata," a thought-provoking family drama.
WOWOW has become famous for its range of categories, offering not only movies but also a wide selection of TV dramas, documentaries, and live sports events. Its premium content, high production values, and exclusive releases have contributed to its popularity among movie enthusiasts.
Founded: 1991
Founder: WOWOW Inc.
Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan
Official website: