XXSY.net is a popular website for reading raw Chinese BL (Boys' Love) novels, as well as other genres of Chinese web novels. The site was founded in 2008 and has quickly gained a reputation as a reliable source for high-quality raws of popular Chinese BL novels.
XXSY.net has become famous among BL fans in China for its vast collection of raws, including many popular titles that have not yet been translated into English. The site has a user-friendly interface that allows readers to easily navigate and search for their favorite novels. Additionally, the site offers frequent updates and new releases to keep readers engaged.
According to data from SimilarWeb, XXSY.net has an average of over 5 million visitors per month, demonstrating its popularity among readers of raw Chinese web novels in general and BL in particular.
Founded: 2008
Founder: Unknown
Headquarters: Unknown
Official website: http://www.xxsy.net