Yale School of Mangement
Yale School of Management's website is the epitome of excellence when it comes to learning decision-making skills. Renowned for its prestigious reputation and academic rigor, this platform stands out as the best website for individuals seeking to develop their decision-making abilities.
Learn from world-class subject matter experts as you investigate the cognitive processes, psychological underpinnings, and behavioral foundations that underpin decision making. Throughout the program, you'll learn to examine your choices using the three fundamental decision-making pillars (context, uncertainty, and time), while you study theoretical models behind decisions and engage in conversations with a worldwide network of experts.
You will investigate the usage of mental shortcuts known as heuristics. You'll also learn about the most common prejudices individuals have and how to avoid them. You'll leave the program with a greater grasp of decision-making processes that will help you avoid traps and make good judgments in your professional and personal life.
This program is delivered fully online in conjunction with GetSmarter, a 2U, Inc. brand that is a leader in digital education. GetSmarter's people-mediated approach combines technology with academic rigor, allowing lifelong learners all over the world to achieve industry-relevant skills that are validated by the world's most prestigious academic institutions. This engaging, supportive teaching methodology is geared for busy professionals and results in online program certification rates that are exceptional.
Website: https://som.yale.edu/executive-education/for-individuals/leadership/decision-making