You Don’t Know JS

Written by Kyle Simpson, you don’t know JS is one of the best books on web development. There are several books available for the JavaScript language, many of which are fairly substantial. You Don't Know JS, on the other hand, is a collection of six short books, each of which focuses on a different aspect of JavaScript.
These are great if you're a total beginner, since Kyle Simpson does an outstanding job of explaining things clearly. However, if you like physical books (which I like to keep near my computer), you may buy them from the convenience of your own home.
"I own the first series of YDKJS and plan to purchase each book in the second series. Kyle's approach to writing for his users is admirable. I've been working with JavaScript for over a decade, yet just reading this introduction made me think about 'use strict' in a way I hadn't considered before. This has increased interest in learning JavaScript at a deeper level from these lectures." OhDenny, Amazon review
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