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Your Eye Direction Doesn’t Indicate Deception

You may have heard that liars frequently turn their heads away. The cliché "look me in the eye and tell me the truth" has been used often in both television and film throughout the years. The notion is that the liar will be compelled to look away or give in to the pressure and confess the truth while under such close scrutiny and the weight of some genuine shame.

It is just rubbish. The persistent misconception that if someone glances up to the left or right, they're accessing a part of their brain to assist them fabricate a story instead of telling the truth, builds on this. This has also been proven to be rubbish.

According to Navarro, visual cues that suggest deceit are generally quite untrustworthy. Despite the fact that we believe we can decipher dishonesty via body language, it is quite difficult. Coughing, rubbing one's face, and other alleged signs of dishonesty could all very well indicate that a person has a dry throat or an itchy nose.

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