Zero Game
"Zero Game" is a suspenseful Manhwa that takes readers on a rollercoaster of emotions and adventures. The story follows Hanna Yoo, a young woman whose life takes a tragic turn after the death of her parents. However, her fate changes when she receives a mysterious email inviting her to participate in the Zero Game.
Zero Game is not your ordinary competition; it's a deadly game where losing means certain death. The stakes are high, but the rewards are even higher – the chance to reset one's entire life and start anew, free from past pain and suffering. Hanna's journey within the Zero Game is filled with danger and uncertainty. As she navigates this treacherous world, she must confront a crucial question: who can she trust?
The mystery deepens as Hanna unravels the involvement of her deceased father in this deadly game. With every twist and turn, Hanna's true strength and intelligence shine through, surprising her rivals who underestimate her. "Zero Game" keeps readers on the edge of their seats, combining elements of fantasy, suspense, and mystery into a captivating storyline that explores the human desire for a second chance at life.
- Author: Zelbasen
- Genre: Fantasy
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 208
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