Top 10 Argumentative Essay Examples for High School

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In this collection of argumentative essay examples for high school, Toplist explore thought provoking topics and articulate well reasoned perspectives. These ... read more...

  1. Essay topic: Write an argumentative essay to discuss the following issue: The government should provide free internet access for every citizen.


    In the contemporary digital age, access to the internet has become a vital aspect of our daily lives. In this regard, I firmly believe that the government should provide free internet access for every citizen. This stance is grounded in the idea that the internet is not just a luxury but a fundamental tool for education, communication, and civic engagement.

    Firstly, education is a cornerstone for personal and societal development. With the internet serving as a vast repository of knowledge, providing free access would ensure that everyone, regardless of their financial background, has the opportunity to acquire information and skills. This democratization of knowledge can bridge the gap between the privileged and the less fortunate, fostering a more equitable society.

    Secondly, communication has evolved in the digital era, and the internet plays a central role in connecting people globally. Free internet access would enable citizens to stay in touch with friends and family, fostering social bonds and emotional well-being. Additionally, it facilitates business communication, supporting entrepreneurship and economic growth.

    Lastly, civic engagement, such as participating in online forums and accessing government services, relies heavily on internet connectivity. A government committed to transparency and citizen involvement should recognize the importance of providing free internet access. This not only empowers individuals to stay informed but also enhances the democratic process by allowing citizens to voice their opinions and concerns.

    In conclusion, ensuring free internet access for all citizens is not merely a matter of convenience but a responsibility of the government in fostering education, communication, and civic engagement. By taking this initiative, governments can contribute significantly to creating a more inclusive and connected society, where opportunities are not limited by one's financial means.

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  2. Essay topic: Write an argumentative essay to discuss the following issue: All drugs should be legalized, regulated, and taxed


    In the ongoing debate surrounding drug policy, I contend that the legalization, regulation, and taxation of all drugs represent a pragmatic approach that can address various societal issues. This viewpoint is grounded in the belief that such a strategy could mitigate the harms associated with illegal drug use, generate revenue for public services, and enhance overall public safety.

    Firstly, by legalizing and regulating drugs, governments can take control of the market. This would mean implementing quality standards and ensuring that substances are produced in safe environments. By doing so, the risks associated with contaminated or impure drugs could be minimized, thereby safeguarding public health. Additionally, regulation would provide an avenue for educating users about the potential risks and promoting responsible consumption.

    Secondly, taxing legalized drugs could generate significant revenue for the government. This income could be channeled towards drug education programs, rehabilitation facilities, and other public health initiatives. By redirecting funds from the illegal drug market to these services, society can address the root causes of drug abuse and addiction more effectively.

    Furthermore, the legalization and regulation of drugs could contribute to enhanced public safety. Law enforcement resources currently expended on combating drug related crimes could be reallocated to addressing more serious threats to society. By dismantling the illicit drug trade, governments can reduce violence associated with criminal organizations involved in drug trafficking.

    In conclusion, the proposition to legalize, regulate, and tax all drugs presents a rational approach to mitigating the harms associated with drug use, generating revenue for public services, and enhancing public safety. This method aligns with a focus on harm reduction, public health and pragmatic solutions to address the complexities of the drug issue in society.

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    Photo by Karolina Grabowska via pexels
  3. Essay topic: Write an argumentative essay to discuss the following issue: Vaping is less harmful than smoking tobacco.


    In the ongoing discourse about health choices, I posit that vaping is a less harmful option compared to smoking tobacco. This perspective is rooted in scientific studies and observations that suggest vaping poses fewer health risks, making it a viable alternative for those seeking to quit or reduce their tobacco consumption.

    First and foremost, various studies have indicated that the harmful substances present in traditional tobacco smoke, such as tar and carbon monoxide, are significantly reduced in vaping. While not entirely risk-free, the absence of these harmful components in e-cigarettes contributes to a lower likelihood of respiratory issues and cardiovascular diseases associated with smoking.

    Additionally, vaping allows users to control their nicotine intake more effectively. E-cigarettes come with different nicotine levels, offering users the flexibility to choose lower concentrations or even nicotine-free options. This feature makes vaping a potential tool for smokers looking to gradually reduce their nicotine dependence, fostering a path towards quitting altogether.

    Furthermore, the reduced exposure to harmful secondhand smoke is a notable advantage of vaping. Traditional smoking not only affects the health of smokers but also poses risks to those around them. Vaping, with its fewer harmful byproducts and odors, minimizes the impact on bystanders, creating a more considerate and health-conscious environment.

    In conclusion, the evidence supports the idea that vaping is a less harmful alternative to smoking tobacco. While not entirely risk-free, the reduced presence of harmful substances, better control over nicotine intake, and diminished impact on secondhand smoke make vaping a promising option for individuals seeking a healthier alternative to traditional smoking. Public health discussions should consider these factors when evaluating the potential benefits of encouraging smokers to transition to vaping.

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    Photo by Miguel Arcanjo Saddi via pexels
  4. Essay topic: Write an argumentative essay to discuss the following issue: Vaping is less harmful than smoking tobacco.


    In discussions about juvenile delinquency, I advocate for holding parents accountable for their minor children's crimes. This stance is based on the belief that parents play a crucial role in shaping their children's behavior, and holding them responsible can contribute to better family dynamics and discourage criminal behavior among young individuals.

    Firstly, parents are primary influencers in a child's life. They provide guidance, set boundaries, and instill values that shape a child's understanding of right and wrong. By establishing consequences for parents when their children engage in criminal activities, it creates a strong incentive for parents to be more involved in their children's lives and take proactive steps to prevent delinquent behavior.

    Secondly, parental responsibility can help break the cycle of criminal behavior. When parents are held accountable for their minor children's crimes, they are more likely to intervene early and address underlying issues that may contribute to delinquency. This proactive approach can pave the way for rehabilitation and prevent a young person from becoming a repeat offender.

    Furthermore, holding parents responsible is not only about punishment but also about support and guidance. It can involve counseling and parenting programs aimed at equipping parents with the tools to better understand and address their children's needs. By fostering a supportive environment, we can work towards preventing future crimes and promoting the overall well-being of both parents and children.

    In conclusion, advocating for the punishment of parents for their minor children's crimes is a step towards addressing the root causes of juvenile delinquency. By emphasizing parental responsibility, we encourage positive family dynamics, early intervention, and support systems that contribute to the development of responsible and law-abiding citizens.

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  5. Essay topic: Write an argumentative essay to discuss the following issue: Should all students have the ability to attend college for free?


    The question of whether all students should have the ability to attend college for free is a matter of significant debate. I firmly believe that providing free college education is a crucial investment in the future success of individuals and the overall prosperity of society.

    Firstly, education is a key driver of personal development and social progress. By making college education accessible to all, regardless of financial background, we ensure that every individual has an equal opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills. This promotes social equality and helps build a more inclusive and educated society.

    Secondly, free college education can contribute to economic growth and innovation. When more individuals have the opportunity to pursue higher education, it leads to a more skilled and knowledgeable workforce. This, in turn, enhances a nation's competitiveness on the global stage and fosters innovation, as educated individuals are better equipped to contribute to advancements in various fields.

    Moreover, free college education can alleviate the burden of student debt. Many students face significant financial challenges in pursuing higher education, often accumulating substantial student loans. By eliminating tuition fees, we reduce the financial strain on students and enable them to focus on their studies without the looming worry of debt, thus promoting mental well-being and increasing the likelihood of academic success.

    In conclusion, the provision of free college education is an investment that yields widespread benefits for individuals and society as a whole. It paves the way for social equality, economic growth, and innovation while relieving students of the financial burdens associated with higher education. By prioritizing accessible and affordable college education, we lay the foundation for a brighter and more prosperous future.

  6. Essay topic: Write an argumentative essay to discuss the following issue: Should physical education be part of the standard high school curriculum?


    The inclusion of physical education in the standard high school curriculum is a matter worth considering. I firmly believe that physical education is essential for the overall well being of students, promoting a healthy lifestyle, and fostering important life skills.

    Firstly, physical education contributes to the physical health of students. In a world where technology often leads to sedentary lifestyles, engaging in regular physical activities is crucial. Including physical education in the high school curriculum ensures that students develop healthy habits early on, reducing the risk of health issues related to inactivity, such as obesity and heart problems.

    Secondly, physical education teaches valuable life skills. Teamwork, discipline and resilience are just a few examples of the skills that students can learn through participation in sports and physical activities. These skills extend beyond the gym or sports field, influencing various aspects of a student's life, including academic performance and interpersonal relationships.

    Furthermore, physical education provides a break from academic pressures. High school can be demanding, and students often face stress and anxiety. Incorporating physical education into the daily routine offers students a chance to relax, refresh their minds, and improve their overall mental well being. A healthy body is closely linked to a healthy mind, and physical education contributes to a more balanced and holistic educational experience.

    In conclusion, including physical education in the standard high school curriculum is essential for promoting the physical health, life skills, and overall well being of students. By providing opportunities for physical activity, we not only contribute to the immediate health of students but also equip them with valuable skills that will benefit them throughout their lives. It is an investment in the future health and success of individuals and society as a whole.

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  7. Essay topic: Write an argumentative essay to discuss the following issue: Schools should require recommended vaccines for all students, with very limited exceptions.


    The question of whether schools should mandate recommended vaccines for all students is an important consideration for the well-being of the community. I firmly support the idea that schools should require recommended vaccines for all students, with only limited exceptions, as this approach is crucial for public health and the prevention of infectious diseases.

    Firstly, mandatory vaccines in schools help create a safer environment for students and staff. By ensuring that a high percentage of the student population is vaccinated, the spread of preventable diseases is significantly reduced. This not only protects individual students but also contributes to the overall health of the school community, especially for those who may be more vulnerable, such as students with weakened immune systems.

    Secondly, requiring recommended vaccines promotes the concept of herd immunity. When a large proportion of a community is vaccinated, it creates a protective barrier that makes it difficult for diseases to spread. This is particularly important for individuals who cannot receive certain vaccines due to medical reasons. By having a high vaccination rate in schools, we safeguard those who may be more susceptible to illness.

    Furthermore, limited exceptions can be made for medical or religious reasons, respecting individual beliefs and health conditions. However, such exceptions should be carefully evaluated to ensure that they do not compromise the overall effectiveness of vaccination efforts.

    In conclusion, the implementation of mandatory recommended vaccines in schools is a vital step in safeguarding public health. By creating a protected environment through high vaccination rates, we not only shield students from preventable diseases but also contribute to the well-being of the entire community. Balancing individual rights with the collective responsibility for public health is essential in fostering a safe and thriving learning environment.

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  8. Essay topic: Write an argumentative essay to discuss the following issue: Is it acceptable to use animals for experiments and research?


    People have different views about whether animal testing for medical research is necessary or not. From my perspective, animal testing plays an integral role in the medicine industry, in spite of the drawbacks it brings.

    There are two major reasons why some people oppose the idea of using animals for medical experiments. Firstly, it is believed that such experiments are cruel and inhumane, and therefore should be prohibited. Every year, many animals are subjected to medical experimentation and have to suffer physical pain and even deprivation of food and water. Additionally, in order to implement research on animals, large amounts of money areexpended on the establishment of facilities and human resources. This can be a burden on a country’s national budget, preventing the government from investing in other more important aspects like education and housing.

    Despite the above mentioned disadvantages, in my opinion, animal testing is necessary. Humans are still reliant on animal testing for many purposes, including developing new medications and checking the safety of medical products. In fact, the most powerful supercomputers are currently unable to understand the workings of the human body, and complex organs such as the brain and heart, which is crucial for medical research and development. More importantly, due to biological similarities, medical research needs to be implemented on animals, which will bring about better outcomes in medical research compared to other methods. Over many years, chimpanzees, the closest relatives of humans, have been used to investigate advanced treatments for cancer and heart disease, and until now, there is still no better alternative.

    In conclusion, although animal testing may be cruel and cost a significant amount of money, it still needs to be conducted because of the unique benefits.

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  9. Essay topic: Write an argumentative essay to discuss the following issue: Does social media do more harm than good?


    The influence of social media is a topic that sparks much debate. While some argue that social media brings people together and facilitates communication, others believe it does more harm than good. I assert that the impact of social media is a complex matter, with both positive and negative aspects.

    On the positive side, social media has transformed communication, making it easier for people to connect across distances. Friends and family can stay in touch, and individuals can share their experiences and ideas with a global audience. Moreover, social media serves as a platform for raising awareness about important issues, fostering social movements, and providing a space for diverse voices to be heard.

    However, the harmful effects of social media should not be overlooked. One notable concern is the potential for misinformation to spread rapidly. False information can lead to confusion and even contribute to societal tensions. Additionally, excessive use of social media has been linked to mental health issues, such as anxiety and low self-esteem, particularly among young users who may feel pressured to conform to unrealistic standards.

    Cyberbullying is another negative aspect associated with social media. The anonymity provided by online platforms can embolden individuals to engage in harmful behavior, affecting the well-being of those targeted. Furthermore, the constant exposure to curated images of others' lives can create a distorted sense of reality, fostering feelings of inadequacy and discontent.

    In conclusion, the impact of social media is a double-edged sword, with both positive and negative consequences. It is essential to strike a balance, acknowledging the benefits of connectivity and information dissemination while addressing the potential harms, such as misinformation, mental health issues, and cyberbullying. Society must navigate this digital landscape thoughtfully, promoting responsible use and mitigating the adverse effects of social media.

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  10. Essay topic: Write an argumentative essay to discuss the following issue: What one class should all high schools students be required to take and pass in order to graduate?


    In considering what one class all high school students should be required to take and pass for graduation, I strongly advocate for a mandatory personal finance class. This practical course is crucial for preparing students for the financial challenges they will encounter in their adult lives.

    Firstly, a personal finance class equips students with fundamental money management skills. Topics such as budgeting, saving, and understanding credit can empower students to make informed financial decisions. Learning how to create and stick to a budget provides valuable tools for navigating the financial responsibilities that come with adulthood.

    Secondly, the class would cover essential knowledge about loans, mortgages, and understanding interest rates. This information is vital for students who will likely encounter situations requiring financial decisions, such as obtaining a car loan or applying for a credit card. A solid understanding of these concepts will prevent students from falling into common financial pitfalls.

    Moreover, a personal finance class would address the importance of investing and planning for the future. Teaching students about the basics of investing, retirement accounts, and long-term financial planning encourages a mindset of financial responsibility. These skills are not only beneficial for individuals but also contribute to building a financially savvy and stable society.

    In conclusion, a mandatory personal finance class for high school students is essential for their future success and well being. Equipping students with practical financial knowledge ensures they enter adulthood with the skills needed to make informed decisions, avoid financial pitfalls, and build a secure financial future. This class would empower students to navigate the complexities of personal finance, fostering a financially literate and responsible citizenry.

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