Top 10 Unique Argumentative Essay Topics and Samples

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Explore intriguing ideas with Toplist collection of Unique Argumentative Essay Topics and Samples. From thought provoking subjects to exemplary essays, ... read more...

  1. Essay topic: Should doctors be allowed to genetically modify unborn children at the parents request?


    Deciding if doctors should change babies before they are born is a big question. Some say it is good to fix health issues and make babies smarter or stronger. But, it is tricky because it can also cause problems.

    Fixing genes can help stop sickness, but it might change what makes each person special. If we all get changed, there will not be as much variety. And, only rich people might afford it, making a gap between them and others.

    Some people worry that if we start changing genes, it might cause new issues we did not think about. It is like when you fix one thing on your toy, and then another part breaks. Changing genes might have unintended problems.

    Also, if only rich families can afford gene changes, it is not fair. This could make a gap between kids who are changed and those who are not. Everyone should have a fair chance to be healthy and happy.

    Think about how sometimes we try to make everything perfect, like drawing a straight line, but it is hard and it might not be as interesting. Making all babies the same might take away what's cool and special about each of us.

    Deciding on changing babies genes is tough. We want healthy and happy babies, but we also need to think about what right and fair for everyone. Balancing these things is super important for making good choices about our future.

    So, maybe we need rules to make sure gene changes help everyone, not just some people. Talking about this with doctors, scientists, and regular people can help find the best way to use gene changes for good, without causing problems for everyone. It is like figuring out how to make our toys better without losing the fun parts.

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    Photo by MART PRODUCTION via pexels
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    Photo by Dominika Roseclay via pexels

  2. Essay topic: Should companies have to hire human workers overusing autonomous machines?


    Deciding if companies should use people or robots is a big question. Some say robots are super smart and can do jobs fast. Others think people need jobs to live a good life. It's important to figure out what's best for everyone.

    Robots can work really fast and don't get tired, making some jobs easier. But if companies only use robots, people might not have jobs. Having a job helps people earn money to buy things they need and want. So, it's like a puzzle – we need to find the right pieces.

    People are unique because they can think, feel, and be creative. When we work, we learn new things and make friends. If companies only use robots, it might take away these chances for people. Imagine a world where robots do everything, and people don't have jobs or things to do. That wouldn't be much fun.

    Companies using robots might save money, but it could also make some people sad. Families might struggle if parents don't have jobs. And, even though robots are cool, they can't understand feelings like people do. When you're sad or happy, a robot might not get it.

    Deciding if companies should use people or robots is a big decision. We want jobs for people and cool technology too. Balancing these things is like making a yummy recipe – you need just the right ingredients. Maybe companies can use robots for some things but still have jobs for people. That way, everyone can have a chance for a good life with jobs and fun things to do. Talking about this with companies, grown-ups, and even your friends can help find the best way to make the world a great place for everyone.

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    Photo by Ivan Samkov via pexels
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    Photo by Pavel Danilyuk via pexel
  3. Essay topic: Should schools require vaccinations for students?


    Determining whether schools should require vaccinations is a big question. Some argue that it keeps everyone healthy, while others might worry about shots. Let's explore why vaccinations are important for schools.

    Vaccinations act like superhero shields for our bodies. They help prevent sickness from spreading in schools. When many students get shots, it is harder for germs to make everyone sick. Imagine a big shield protecting you and your friends from getting a cold or the flu – that is what vaccinations do.

    When everyone gets vaccinated, it is like creating a team of germ fighters. Shots ensure that you are strong and ready to tackle any bad bugs that might come your way. This helps not only you but also your friends and teachers.

    Some people might be scared of shots, but they are quick and help you stay strong. Vaccines have been around for a long time, and they have made schools safer. Think of it like wearing a seatbelt in a car – it might feel a bit odd, but it keeps you safe.

    If some students do not get vaccinated, it could let sicknesses spread easily. That is not good for anyone. We all want to go to school, learn cool things, and have fun with friends. Staying healthy with vaccinations is a big part of making that happen.

    Determining if schools should require vaccinations is about keeping everyone safe and strong. It is like having a team of superhero shields that protect us from bad bugs. Even though shots might feel a bit strange, they are quick and help us stay healthy. Let's all be germ fighters and make our schools awesome places to learn and have fun together!

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    Photo by CDC via pexels
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    Photo by Gustavo Fring via pexels
  4. Essay topic: Is there too much focus on diets in society?


    Wondering if we think too much about diets is a big question. Some folks say it's important to eat healthy, while others think we worry too much about what's on our plates. Let's explore why people talk so much about diets and if it's too much.

    Eating healthy is like fueling our bodies with good stuff. It helps us grow strong and stay fit. But sometimes, people talk a lot about diets, making it seem like the most important thing. It's good to care about what we eat, but thinking too much about it can make us feel stressed.

    When we hear a lot about diets, it might make us feel like we're doing something wrong if we enjoy treats or snacks. It's okay to have yummy things sometimes – it's all about finding a balance. Imagine if every meal was only veggies – it might get boring! Diets should be like a mixtape, with a bit of everything to enjoy.

    Also, people are different, and what works for one might not work for another. Some folks need more food to feel good, while others are happy with less. It's important to listen to our bodies and eat what makes us feel healthy and happy.

    Thinking about diets is good to stay healthy, but sometimes we hear so much about it that it feels like too much. It's like trying to solve a puzzle – we need to find the right balance. Eating a mix of good stuff and treats is okay. We're all different, and what works for one might not work for another. Let's enjoy our meals, stay healthy, and not stress too much about what's on our plates. It's the variety that makes life tasty!

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    Photo by Ella Olsson via pexels
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    Photo by Lisa Fotios via pexels
  5. Essay topic: Should people serving prison sentences be allowed to vote?


    Deciding if people in jail should vote is a big question. Some say everyone should have a say, while others think if you're in trouble, you shouldn't get to choose leaders. Let's explore if people serving prison sentences should be allowed to vote.

    Voting is like picking your favorite flavor of ice cream. It's how we say what we like and want. Some say even if you make mistakes and end up in jail, you should still get to share your thoughts about who should lead our community.

    On the other hand, some folks think if you break the rules and end up in jail, you should lose some rights, like voting. They believe it's a way to show that breaking rules has consequences. Imagine you're playing a game, and there are rules. If someone breaks the rules, they might need a time-out. Some people think being in jail is like a time-out for grown-ups, and during that time, you shouldn't get to vote.

    But others think even if you're in jail, you're still part of our community, and your voice should still count. They believe that voting is a way to help people learn and be part of making our community better, even if they made mistakes.

    Deciding if people in jail should vote is a tricky puzzle. Some say it's fair, like choosing ice cream flavors, while others think it's like a time-out for grown-ups. Maybe it depends on what the rules are in our community. It's essential to talk about it, understand different opinions, and figure out what's best for everyone. After all, we all want our community to be a good place for everyone to live in, whether they're in jail or not.

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    Photo by Felipe Vallin via pexels
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    Photo by Donald Tong via pexels
  6. Essay topic: Should the government be blamed for the current national obesity rate?


    Obesity is a big problem in the United States, with over 42% of adults facing this issue. Some say the government is to blame because it hasn't done enough to control the food industry and promote healthy habits. In this essay, we'll look at both sides to see if blaming the government is fair.

    Those who blame the government say it hasn't done much to control the food industry. Fast food and processed foods with lots of calories, sugar, and fat are easy to find, and some think the government should step in. They suggest things like taxing unhealthy foods, making food labels show calorie counts, and limiting ads for unhealthy foods. People also say the government should do more to encourage healthy habits, like funding nutrition programs, better school lunches, and places for exercise. Some even think the government could reward people for healthy choices, like giving tax breaks for gym memberships or helping with healthy food costs.

    But there are others who say blaming the government is not fair. They think people are responsible for their own health, and the government can't force anyone to be healthy. While the government can share information and help, it's up to each person to decide what to do. Some also say blaming the government ignores the fact that individuals have the freedom to choose what they eat and how much they move, and it's their responsibility to make good choices.

    Blaming the government for obesity is a bit too simple. While the government can encourage healthy habits and control the food industry, each person has the freedom to make their own choices. Solving the obesity problem needs everyone – individuals, businesses, and the government – to work together. It's not just one group's job, but everyone's responsibility to promote healthy habits and create environments that support our well-being.

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    Photo by Andres Ayrton via pexels
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    Photo by Moe Magners via pexels
  7. Essay topic: Should physical education classes be graded?


    Deciding whether physical education classes should have grades is a big question. Some people believe that grading these classes is important to measure performance, while others think it's not fair because everyone has different abilities. Let's explore both sides to see if giving grades in physical education is a good idea.

    Those in favor of grading physical education argue that it helps measure how well students are doing. Just like in other classes, grades can show progress and motivate students to give their best effort. They believe it's a fair way to evaluate skills like running, jumping, and teamwork.

    On the other hand, some people think that grading physical education isn't fair. Everyone is different and may have various abilities and strengths. Forcing everyone into the same grading system might not consider these differences. They argue that physical education is more about learning and having fun, not just getting a grade.

    Moreover, grading in physical education could make some students feel stressed or anxious. Not everyone is naturally good at sports, and receiving a grade might discourage them from participating. It's essential to focus on enjoying physical activities and learning new skills rather than stressing about grades.

    Deciding if physical education classes should be graded is a tough choice. While grades can show progress and motivate some students, they might make others feel stressed or left out. Physical education is not just about getting grades; it's about having fun, staying active, and learning new things. Maybe a balance can be found, where everyone gets a chance to enjoy physical activities without the pressure of grades. It's important to consider both sides and find a solution that encourages everyone to participate and enjoy physical education.

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    Photo by cottonbro studio via pexels
    Photo by cottonbro studio via pexels
    Photo by cottonbro studio via pexels
  8. Essay topic: Should students who cheat on tests be punished?


    Deciding if students who cheat on tests should be punished is a big question. Some say punishment is needed to keep things fair, while others think understanding and helping students learn is more important. Let's explore both sides to see what's the right approach.

    Supporters of punishment argue it's crucial for a fair learning environment. Cheating breaks the rules and can make education less fair for everyone. Punishments, like lower grades or consequences, can stop students from cheating.

    However, some people say punishment alone might not solve why students cheat. They cheat because of pressure, fear, or not understanding the material. Instead of just punishing, it's important to find out why and offer help. Teachers can provide extra support, like tutoring or clearer explanations, to assist students facing challenges.

    Harsh punishments might create fear instead of helping students understand the importance of honesty. Students might focus more on avoiding punishment than on learning.

    Deciding how to handle students who cheat involves balancing fairness with understanding. While punishment can stop cheating, it may not solve the reasons behind it. Finding a balance between consequences and support is key. Creating an environment that encourages honesty and provides help for students facing challenges ensures the focus is on learning and growing, not just avoiding punishment.

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    Photo by Monstera Production via pexels
    Photo by Monstera Production via pexels
    Photo by Monstera Production via pexels
  9. Essay topic: Should parents be punished if their kids skip school?


    Deciding whether parents should be punished if their children drop out of school is a significant question. Some argue that parents play a crucial role in their child's education, and punishments can ensure they take necessary steps to support their child's learning. On the other hand, others believe that various factors can contribute to a child dropping out, and punishing parents may not be fair or helpful. Let's explore both perspectives to find a balanced approach.

    Supporters of punishing parents argue that it's vital for parents to be actively involved in their child's education. If a child drops out, it might suggest a lack of support at home. Punishments, such as fines or mandatory parenting classes, can encourage parents to take a more active role and understand the importance of their child's education.

    However, others believe that punishing parents might oversimplify the reasons for a child dropping out. Factors like school environment, bullying, or learning difficulties can contribute to a child's decision to leave school. Punishing parents without considering these factors may not address the root causes. Moreover, some families face challenges like financial issues or lack of resources, making it challenging to support a child's education. Punishing parents in these situations may create more stress and hardship.

    Determining whether parents should be punished if their children drop out of school requires a balanced perspective. While it's crucial for parents to be involved in their child's education, punishments may not address the complex reasons behind dropping out. Instead of punishment, providing support and resources to families facing challenges can be more effective. A collaborative approach involving schools, parents, and communities can better ensure that all children receive the necessary support for a successful education.

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    Photo by Naomi Shi via pexels
  10. Essay topic: Should most companies move to a four day workweek?


    Deciding if most companies should move to a four-day workweek is a significant question. Some believe it could improve work-life balance and employee well-being, while others worry about potential challenges. Let's explore both sides to understand if a four-day workweek is a good idea.

    Supporters of a four-day workweek argue that it could boost employee happiness and productivity. Having an extra day off each week could help people recharge, reduce stress, and spend more time with family and friends. This could lead to increased job satisfaction and creativity when employees return to work.

    Moreover, a shorter workweek might attract top talent to companies. Job seekers often look for companies that value work-life balance, and offering a four-day workweek could make a company more appealing. On the other hand, some worry that a four-day workweek might lead to longer workdays, creating fatigue and burnout. Additionally, certain industries may face challenges in adapting to a condensed schedule. For example, customer service or manufacturing industries might find it difficult to provide continuous service or production with a reduced workweek.

    Furthermore, concerns about reduced productivity and impact on business operations need consideration. Companies may need to adjust deadlines, workflow, and client expectations, potentially affecting their competitiveness.

    Deciding if most companies should move to a four-day workweek requires careful consideration. While the idea of improved work-life balance and employee satisfaction is appealing, potential challenges and impacts on productivity need to be addressed. Companies could explore trial periods or flexible arrangements to find a balance that benefits both employees and the overall success of the business. Ultimately, a thoughtful and adaptable approach is necessary to make the transition to a four-day workweek successful.

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    Photo by Jess Bailey Designs via pexels
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    Photo by RDNE Stock project via pexels

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