Top 9 Best Professor Layton Games of All Time
Professor Layton has been amusing and captivating minds with his puzzle-solving detective talents for almost 14 years, with his son Alfendi and daughter ... read more...Katrielle joining him recently. Professor Layton had a legendary reign over the Nintendo DS charts in the 2000s, inviting a completely new player-base to the device and even now welcoming new ambitious puzzle-solvers as his titles begin to gain traction on IOS. Let's take a look at the greatest Professor Layton games of all time.
Unwound Future is an adventure game in which the player solves riddles presented by local inhabitants to advance the tale via dialogue and around 32 minutes of full-motion video. The user navigates the game by clicking on still photos of different locales. The user may use the DS touchscreen to interact with non-player characters and collect puzzles, as well as search anywhere on the backdrop for hint coins, with certain spots requiring many taps to disclose a secret hint coin or puzzle. Puzzles are many kinds of brain teasers that include visual, arithmetic, and logic.
There is no time limit for solving puzzles, and the player can get up to three hints for one hint coin each; a new feature in Unwound Future is a "super hint", which costs two coins and can only be purchased after the other three hints have been revealed, but which nearly reveals the puzzle's solution. If the player correctly solves the problem, they receive a number of "Picarats", a type of cash in the game. If the player guesses the wrong answer, the number of picarats available on consecutive attempts will be reduced. Players can visit specific regions to play previously unknown or unsolvable riddles left behind as the tale proceeds.
As a reward for completing puzzles, the player can choose among three mini-games that support further puzzles in Layton's Trunk that can be attempted at any time. One mini-game is based on sticker books, with the goal of placing the proper stickers at the appropriate points in the book to make the tale make sense. Another involves teaching a parrot to bring goods to a character while utilizing a succession of ropes as perches or rebounding barriers. The third mini-game involves driving a toy vehicle over particular squares on a map using a series of directional markers. Layton's Bag also provides information on the tale and characters, as well as a list of completed puzzles that the player may go through and try again.
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Professor Layton and the Unwound Future (DS) Professor Layton and the Unwound Future (DS) -
The Curious Village is a puzzle/adventure game. The player directs Professor Layton (voiced by Christopher Miller) and his young helper Luke (voiced by Lani Minella in US English and Maria Darling in UK English) as they explore the hamlet of St. Mystere in quest of the "Golden Apple" and other mysteries. St. Mystere is separated into parts, some of which are inaccessible until the tale progresses to a specific point or the player completes a certain amount of riddles. By touching the screen, the player may communicate with characters and examine items.
In many situations, the characters may request that Layton and Luke solve a mystery; there are also hidden puzzles that can be discovered by researching specific things. If an unresolved problem can no longer be reached (for example, if the person presenting it has left), it will return midway through the game at Granny Riddleton's Puzzle Shack in the plaza. Brain teasers, sliding puzzles, logic puzzles, and other types of puzzles are examples of puzzles. Each problem is offered to the player with its worth in "picarats" and an infinite amount of time to complete it. Each problem offers three hints, but the player must pay one "hint coin" to view each one.
If the player is incorrect, he can attempt the puzzle indefinitely, albeit the value of the puzzle will reduce by around 10% each time he is incorrect the first two times (or more, in the case of multiple-choice puzzles). There are additional problems in which the player must do a series of movements in order to arrive at a certain outcome and cannot submit an erroneous response. A player can choose to skip a problem and try another one instead, while some puzzles are required to proceed. After completing a problem, the player can retry it at any time from the game's menu.
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Professor Layton and the Curious Village (DS) Professor Layton and the Curious Village (DS) -
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box is a puzzle/adventure game. In contrast to the previous game, which was limited to only one town, the player directs the actions of the titular Professor Layton and his young aide Luke around many locales. Along with solving a variety of puzzles, players must explore other regions, solve mysteries, and assist the Professor on his mission.
This game's puzzle menus are remarkably similar to those in Curious Village. Brain teasers, sliding puzzles, logic puzzles, and other types of puzzles are examples of puzzles. The player is given an infinite amount of time to complete each puzzle and its worth in "picarats". Each problem offers three hints, but the player must pay one "hint coin" to view each one. The player starts with 10 hint coins, and more may be obtained by searching the game's locations. When the player believes he knows the solution, he inputs it, either by picking an answer, drawing a circle around a specific area, or using character recognition on the Nintendo DS's touchscreen.
If the player answers correctly, the picarats are added to his overall score, and he is occasionally awarded an item. If the player is incorrect, they can attempt the problem indefinitely, albeit the worth of the puzzle will fall by around 10% each time they are incorrect the first two times. A player can choose to skip a problem and try another one instead, while some puzzles are required to proceed. After completing a problem, the player can retry it at any time via the game's menus.
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Professor Layton and Pandora's Box (DS) Professor Layton and Pandora's Box (DS) -
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, like previous games in the series, is a puzzle adventure game divided into chapters. Players must explore places and interact with individuals in order to uncover the mysteries that await them. The player will face riddles that must be solved at various times during the game. Finishing these puzzles earns Picarats, which may be used to unlock supplementary material, with more Picarats gained for solving the puzzle correctly. Hint coins may also be collected and used to unlock clues that will assist players in solving puzzles if they become stuck.
Several changes were made during the move to the Nintendo 3DS, including the presentation of characters and settings in 3D visuals. In contrast to prior games in which players engaged directly with the world displayed on the touch screen, players now utilize the touch screen to use a magnifying glass to travel the environment presented on the top screen. When the magnifying glass is hovering over something of interest, the player can investigate it by tapping the touch screen, which initiates dialogue with characters or reveals a tip coin or puzzle. Zooming in on specific locations reveals other areas to engage with.
In addition to the 150 puzzles contained in the original game, players may connect to Nintendo Network to download more riddles. These puzzles are accessible weekly for a year after publication, with seven problems available each week; in all, 365 riddles can be downloaded. The Nintendo 3DS's Spotpass function automatically downloads puzzle packages.
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Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask (3DS) Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask (3DS) -
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy, like prior titles, is a puzzle game divided into chapters. Professor Layton and his pals are followed as they explore diverse places and solve several challenges. The gameplay is similar to Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, in which players use the stylus on the touchscreen to examine locations for clues and solve the game's different puzzles. It is possible to zoom into certain sections using the magnifying glass to get a closer look at objects. The game has almost 500 new puzzles, which is more than its predecessor, which had 515.
Hint coins can also be discovered and used to assist the player in solving a puzzle if they become stuck. You may also unlock minigames that occur in the trunk throughout the game, such as Nutty Roller, Dress Up, and Bloom Burst. Traveling to other corners of the world, such as the United States of America, South Africa, and Russia, is part of the gameplay.
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Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy (3DS) Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy (3DS) -
Professor Layton and the Last Specter is a puzzle game disguised as an adventure game. The user directs the movements of three protagonists as they travel across Misthallery: Professor Hershel Layton, his aide Emmy Altava, and a small child named Luke Triton. While in the village, the three of them are confronted with a number of mysteries, which are unraveled as the narrative continues. Misthallery is separated into various parts, many of which require the story to advance to a specific point before being accessible.
To walk about Misthallery, players must first tap a shoe-shaped symbol in the bottom-right corner of the touch screen, followed by an arrow pointing in the direction of the path they want to take. While in Misthallery, the player can inspect things and discover snippets of conversation, hint coins, collection items, or secret riddles by touching anywhere on the bottom screen of the Nintendo DS device. Similarly, if a non-player character appears on the screen, they can be pressed to start a dialogue.
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Professor Layton and the Last Specter (DS) Professor Layton and the Last Specter (DS) -
Since the early days of the DS, the Professor Layton series has defined perplexing on Nintendo handhelds. Since 2007, we've had two trilogies and two spinoffs featuring the eponymous professor, but dwindling sales and a general sense of staleness seem to have frightened Level-5 away from greenlighting another trilogy in the same spirit. So, in 2017, the company went for a soft relaunch with Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy, which introduced a new protagonist and made some minor modifications to the formula to liven things up.
Unlike the mainline entries in the series, Layton's Mystery Journey follows the adventures of the esteemed professor's daughter Katrielle, a confident and inimitable young woman determined to step out of her father's shadow and establish her own reputation as a respected puzzle-solver and private detective. Kat's plot isn't as concerned with huge, world-ending dangers or time-traveling pranks as series fans have come to expect. Rather, the adventure takes on a smaller, neighborhood-sized scale as she embarks on a series of mainly unrelated cases presented in an episodic monster of the week style.
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Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy - Deluxe Edition (Switch) Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy - Deluxe Edition (Switch) -
Professor Layton, Luke Triton, Phoenix Wright, and Maya Fey play as they try to discover the enigma of Labyrinthia. The game's gameplay is divided into two modes: Adventure and Witch Trial, which incorporate aspects from Professor Layton and Ace Attorney games, respectively. The game includes voice acting and animated sequences, which are common in Professor Layton titles but are new to the Ace Attorney series. Starting with Dual Destinies, which was published in Japan after the crossover title, this has since established a new standard for the later series.
During Adventure parts, players can explore various locales, converse with individuals, and examine background items to uncover answers to the mystery of Labyrinthia. The control method is similar to that of Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, in which players traverse the environments by moving a pointer across the screen. Investigating specific regions or interacting with specific personalities exposes numerous riddles that gamers must solve. Solving these puzzles earns Picarats, with more awarded for making fewer mistakes, and these Picarats are used to access supplementary material. Players may collect Hint Coins throughout these areas, which may be spent to reveal tips while solving puzzles.
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Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney -
The game is divided into two unique and alternating sections: inquiry and questioning. The majority of the cases follow the same pattern: the player is given the basic details of the case by Alfendi Layton, and then must examine the crime scene utilizing the Mystery Room's crime scene reproduction apparatus. At the outset of the case, the player is often given a specific amount of time to do a cursory scan of the crime scene before stating who they believe the killer is based on their initial impressions. Following that, the investigation proper begins, with further time spent analyzing the facts surrounding the incident, gathering evidence to back up arguments, and completing multiple-choice questions.
After clearing all of the points in an investigative sequence, the player is able to question a key suspect. During interrogations, a casing around a beating heart represents the suspect's defense against charges. The casing gradually disintegrates when the player delivers the necessary evidence to back up their claims and show the suspect's guilt. When the suspect's exposed heart turns to stone and breaks in two, the player has beaten the suspect, though on some occasions the casing reforms (completely or partially) after breaking when the suspect offers (apparently) contradictory information or refutes the presented evidence, only to break again if they are proven wrong.
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Layton Brothers: Mystery Room Layton Brothers: Mystery Room