Top 8 Best Spiderman Movies of All Time

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Spider-Man is one of the most popular and mainstream superheroes of all time. It is no surprise that lots of directors and writers attempted to bring him onto ... read more...

  1. We believe everyone will agree when we say that Into The Spider-Verse is one of the best Spiderman movies of all time. And that is not all; it is also one of the greatest superhero movies in general.

    There are many factors that make Into The Spider-Verse a major improvement compared to some other superhero franchises. The rapid-fire pace, visual embellishments, razor-sharp writing, and pitch-perfect character development are some cases in point. Even better, Into the Spider-Verse avoids clichés in order to build a universe so packed with minutiae that multiple viewings are totally deserved. It is just as memorable in your tenth time watching this as it was after the first. A great movie!

    Overall, Into the Spider-Verse is not just a typical movie about a boy saving the world; it's an animated picture that explores aesthetic cinematic frames, variable art dynamics, and ground-breaking methods to offer us something wholly unlike any other full-length animated film on the market. This Spider-Man saves us from the dullness of yet another formulaic animated flick.

    Year of Release: 2018

    Rotten Tomatoes Score: 97%

    Source: The Verge
    Source: The Verge
    Source: The New York Times
    Source: The New York Times

  2. Pizza time! Here comes another great contender for the best Spiderman movies of all time, which is Spider-Man 2, released in 2004. The second live-action Spiderman film puts emphasis on the momentum generated by the previous film and sets Peter Parker on an extraordinary trip that masterfully adapts the iconic Spider-Man No More comic book plot.

    In addition, Doctor Octopus, played by Alfred Molina, is a formidable antagonist. The sequence in the operating room is pure Sam-Raimi-styled and is still incredibly terrifying years later. His struggle with Spider-Man on the subway is also visually pleasing; we definitely believe that bringing him back to No Way Home (2021) was a smart move by Marvel.

    Moreover, the tie-in computer game accompanying this movie was outstanding. It captures the thrill of web-swinging throughout Manhattan to an extent not matched until the 2018 PlayStation 4 game. At the moment, Spider-Man 2 is purchasable on Amazon Prime. You can also stream it on Starz for $8.99 a month.

    Year of Release: 2004

    Stars: Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Alfred Molina

    Rotten Tomatoes Score: 93%

    Source: DeviantArt
    Source: DeviantArt
    Source: Letterboxd
    Source: Letterboxd
  3. It is here! After all the hoopla, the record-breaking trailer, and the whispers of returning villains, Spider-Man: No Way Home, unfortunately, does not top our list. Nevertheless, it's still an extremely and incredibly fulfilling movie.

    Spider-Man: No Way Home is a natural continuation of 2 decades of Spider-Man films. It manages to satisfy most dedicated fans, threading together a pretty clean plot (unless you are not paying close attention and understand exactly nothing at all about Spider-Man in general). Furthermore, the movie has raised Tom Holland's Peter Parker to a level of maturity, interest, and complexity that makes us all want to see how he will succeed Tony Stark. A winner!

    The film's greatest surprise, though, does not just lie in these intricate plot lines; it's that the movie has successfully given Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire a second opportunity to once again leave a lasting impression with one of the finest superhero roles in history. Seeing Tobey Maguire reprise the part that made him a household name is a nostalgic journey back to our youth. Indeed, Spider Man: No Way Home is at its finest whenever all three Spider-Men interact or defend one another.

    Year of Release: 2021

    Stars: Tom Holland, Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch

    Rotten Tomatoes Score: 93%

    Source: The Direct
    Source: The Direct
    Source: The Direct
    Source: The Direct
  4. It is difficult to get enthusiastic about another relaunch of an old franchise about an old superhero. But then, when Spider-Man: Homecoming arrived, introducing Spider-Man into the Marvel universe, we all became certain that this one would be worth the wait. By omitting the character's familiar origin tale, the series had a new start that benefited Peter Parker's growth better and provided a more solid platform for the sequel.

    In Spider-Man: Homecoming, Peter, MJ, Ned, and the rest of the group were convincing in the roles of their high school students, since they were eccentric and still discovering the world in an exciting and practical way. And as much as the anguish that is baked into Spider-Man's DNAs, Tom Holland created a lighter, almost annoyingly cheerful Peter Parker, like the exuberant younger sibling you can't help but adore.

    Plus, Adrian Toomes is one of the greatest, most fascinating, and unquestionably menacing antagonists that the MCU has presented so far, since his reasons for resorting to a life beyond the law had quite a fair punch.

    Year of Release: 2017

    Stars: Tom Holland, Michael Keaton, Robert Downey Jr.

    Rotten Tomatoes Score: 92%

    Source: The Wire
    Source: The Wire
    Source: The Direct
    Source: The Direct
  5. Since there are many people who are deathly scared of spiders, lots of audiences used to resist watching Spider-Man for a long time. But once they tried to get over their fear and watch this movie, there was no regret! Despite a few instances when their arachnophobia bit into their mind, Spider-Man is definitely worth seeing.

    From the overly theatrical representation of the Green Goblin to some really touching moments (we are looking at you, Uncle Ben), the entire picture was a thrilling trip. Sure, seeing it again now might make us cringe at some of the jokes, but the movie is a solid starting point with excellent action and the perfect amount of absurdity for a superhero film. Sam Raimi blended the humorous elements with more serious ones in his superhero films, an example that other contemporary filmmakers should follow. Superheroes are not just all grimaces and punches!

    Overall, the Spider-Man movie is a must-watch, and if you do not like the plot, J.K. Simmons and Willem Dafoe's performances alone will make it worth watching.

    Year of Release: 2002

    Stars: Tobey Maguire, Willem Dafoe, Kirsten Dunst

    Rotten Tomatoes Score: 90%

    Source: Letterboxd
    Source: Letterboxd
    Source: TMFJ
    Source: TMFJ
  6. With the storyline that takes place after the blip, the Spider-Man: Far From Home movie does an amazing job of reverting to the essence of what many audiences enjoy about movies in general. The romance and discomfort between Peter Parker and MJ give this picture a really nostalgic vibe, even if the remainder of the movie is often more flash than substance.

    The VFX is stunning, the plot surprise is satisfactory, and also, Jake Gyllenhaal is indeed a charming addition to the series. Nevertheless, Peter and his buddies are what we care about most, which is precisely what makes these flicks so successful!

    Yes, he flies across the sky and has amazing spider abilities, but at the end of the day, Peter is just a normal high schooler with an insane infatuation with his closest buddy. Seeing him contend with that simplicity, and witnessing a manipulative villain intent on destroying that austere happiness? That is why we, the audience, are her for Spider-Man: Far From Home.

    Year of Release: 2019

    Stars: Tom Holland, Samuel L. Jackson, Jake Gyllenhaal

    Rotten Tomatoes Score: 90%

    Source: The New Yorker
    Source: The New Yorker
    Source: Sony Pictures Entertainment
    Source: Sony Pictures Entertainment
  7. The Amazing Spider-Man has been (rather unfairly) treated by some people as one of the worst Spider-Man movies ever made. We are here to inform you that the film's reputation for being low-quality is, well, just partially accurate.

    Directed by Marc Webb (the director behind 500 Days of Summer), The Amazing Spider-Man is reminiscent of a little romance indie film: Peter observed Gwen from the other side of the classroom; Coldplay's song 'Til Kingdom Come, which was initially intended to be sung by Johnny Cash, is playing over the skateboarding scene. Also, Peter's Spider-Man actions really resemble skating techniques and are more spider-like than other actors who took the same role. Andrew Garfield's stammer, jazz hands, and overall adorable quirkiness also contributed to the charm of the movie. Not to mention some of his unexpectedly attractive bare breast moments!

    Some portions of this film are, overall, excellent. If only its humor weren't so forced and cringe-worthy, it might rank higher on our list. We also wish there had been fewer tragic deaths.

    Year of Release: 2012

    Stars: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone

    Rotten Tomatoes Score: 72%

    Source: GamesRadar
    Source: GamesRadar
    Source: VanityFair
    Source: VanityFair
  8. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 sparked even more heated debates than the first installment. In this sequel, all the effort done in The Amazing Spider-Man to establish Peter Parker as a rough-around-the-edges Spider-Man - who was still finding out his moral compass - came tumbling down. Some people even say that the movie is as chaotic as Spider-Man 3 by Maguire, which will induce tons of nightmares about the villain Green Goblin for all the wrong reasons!

    Nevertheless, the film still has lots of elegant upsides. At two and a half hours, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has almost equal amounts of action and plot. There are not only one, but two action moments in the first 15 minutes that will make your eyes dance. If you haven't experienced enough spectacular effects this week, your appetite will be satisfied early on, before the narrative assault even starts.

    All in all, despite some controversies, it is the most vibrant superhero film in our recent memory in terms of narrative, villains, and moony-eyed romance.

    Year of Release: 2014

    Stars: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone

    Rotten Tomatoes Score: 51%

    Source: The Hoya
    Source: The Hoya
    Source: Youtube, TouchGameplay
    Source: Youtube, TouchGameplay

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