Top 7 Best Substitutes for Sour Cream
A popular dairy product that has undergone fermentation, sour cream is used in many recipes. It may also be used as an ingredient in baked goods like cakes, ... read more...cookies, and biscuits. Or it is frequently used as a topping for foods like soups and baked potatoes. Despite being a widely consumed food, some people cannot or choose not to consume sour cream because of personal preferences, food intolerances, or allergies. Luckily, there are a wide variety of suitable dairy and non-dairy stand-ins for sour cream. Continue reading to have more information about some substitutes for sour cream below!
Greek yogurt is a great substitute for sour cream. Greek yogurt has been strained to remove most of its whey, whereas regular yogurt has a greater proportion of liquid, or whey. As a result, yogurt becomes thicker and tangier, tasting a lot like sour cream.
Greek yogurt also has more protein and fewer calories and fat than full-fat sour cream. Regular Greek yogurt has 37 calories, 3 grams of fat, and 2 grams of protein per ounce (28 grams). In the same amount, there are 54 calories, 6 grams of fat, and 1 gram of protein in full-fat sour cream. Greek yogurt can be used in toppings, dressings, and dips. In addition, any recipe, including those for baked goods, can call for equal portions of full-fat Greek yogurt in place of regular sour cream.
Greek Yogurt Greek Yogurt -
Cottage cheese is a low-calorie cheese with a mild flavor. It’s considered a fresh cheese, so it does not undergo an aging or ripening process to develop flavor. Its popularity as a staple of a healthy diet has increased over the past few decades. Not only is cottage cheese abundant in protein, but it also contains vital minerals.
It has a soft, creamy texture and is mild. Additionally, a variety of fat percentages and curd sizes, from small to large, are available. In addition, compared to sour cream, cottage cheese has a significantly lower calorie and fat content and greater protein content. This cheese is a great replacement that is higher in protein and lowers in fat. In fact, you can substitute one cup of cottage cheese for sour cream in any recipe by mixing it with 4 tablespoons of milk and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.
Cottage Cheese Cottage Cheese -
Literally, crème fraîche means fresh cream. This dairy product is made by combining a bacterial culture with heavy cream and is quite similar to sour cream. While crème fraîche and sour cream are similar, crème fraîche has a thicker, cheese-like consistency and a less tangy flavor.
It has more calories and fat than sour cream, as opposed to cottage cheese and Greek yogurt. Therefore, people watching their calorie intake might not want to choose it. One ounce (28 grams) has 100 calories and 11 grams of fat, about twice as much as sour cream. Despite being a high-calorie food, crème fraîche is a perfect addition to sauces and soups, you can boil it without worrying about separation because of its high-fat content. Although crème fraîche may be used as a simple 1:1 replacement for sour cream, bear in mind that the food may taste different due to its milder flavor.
Crème Fraîche Crème Fraîche -
Buttermilk was once used to refer to the liquid left over after making butter from cultured cream. In this procedure, milk was left out to rest for a period of time. It allows the cream and milk to separate, leaving behind the thick cream top that is needed to make butter. Buttermilk was produced as a result of the milk sugars being fermented by naturally occurring lactic acid bacteria during the resting phase.
It's still widely used in Pakistan and India, but less so in the West. Commercial buttermilk is pasteurized, much like sour cream, and the bacteria are added after the heating process. Although it has a tangy flavor that is similar to sour cream, it may only be substituted in baked goods or dressings.
Buttermilk Buttermilk -
Coconut milk is a great dairy-free substitute for sour cream. Coconut milk is made from the freshly grated meat of the coconut, which should not be confused with coconut water.
It is a component of cuisines from Southeast Asia, South America, and the Caribbean, and it is gaining popularity in North America. Coconut milk is a fantastic alternative for those with milk allergies or dietary restrictions because it is vegan and lactose-free. Interestingly, it shines as a sour cream replacement. You can skim the cream off of full-fat coconut milk and blend it with apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and sea salt to make a vegan sour cream alternative to serve on top of your favorite recipes. Additionally, full-fat coconut milk works well as a sour cream substitute in baked products. To mimic the sour flavor, simply add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice for each cup of coconut milk.
Coconut Milk Coconut Milk -
Although it might surprise you, cashews are a fantastic alternative to sour cream. Cashews are a type of nut with a soft consistency and sweet flavor. Cashews are delicious, buttery, and relatively high in fat nuts. Because of their high-fat content, they make a great dairy-free substitute for sour cream.
155 calories and 12 grams of fat are included in one ounce (28 grams). With 5 grams of protein per ounce, cashews are also a great source of protein. By combining soaked cashews with vinegar, lemon juice, and sea salt, a creamy and tangy vegan sour cream may be made. Although it might not be the best option for baking, this dairy-free sour cream alternative tastes great in soups and side dishes.
Cashews Cashews -
Commercial soy-based sour cream alternatives are widely available and suitable for vegans and people who are allergic to dairy products. The majority of soy-based sour cream substitutes are comparable to real sour cream in terms of calories and fat content. Soy-based sour cream, for instance, has 57 calories and 5 grams of fat per 1-ounce serving, but regular sour cream has 54 calories and 6 grams of fat.
Additionally, for those who don't consume dairy, these products can be used as a simple alternative to sour cream in cooking and baking. However, they frequently include a variety of additives that some people would want to avoid for health reasons, such as added sugars and preservatives. Fortunately, it's simple to make your own soy-based sour cream at home. Simply blend silken tofu with apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and salt.
Commercial soy-based sour cream alternatives Commercial soy-based sour cream alternatives