Top 10 Most Expensive Pets

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Some animals make you surprised at the cost to bring them to your house. They really cost a fortune for their distinguished gene or magnificent appearance. The ... read more...

  1. Thoroughbred racehorses are the most valuable and costly horses. Racehorses may appear identical to other horses from afar, but their abilities and genetics set them apart, with some specimens fetching millions of dollars. These horses have the potential to earn millions of dollars in racing and potentially much more as studs. A thoroughbred racehorse's value skyrockets after it has shown itself on the racecourse. In fact, every time a horse wins, its value grows. After a horse has earned a million dollars or more, it is worth far more than it was originally purchased.

    Among them, Fusaichi Pegasus has the title of one of the most expensive animals. Despite being purchased for $4 million as a yearling, Fusaichi Pegasus was sold for $70 million in 2000 after winning the Kentucky Derby. Although the price may appear high, the horse earned exorbitant stud fees after retiring from racing. Ruler On Ice, his most famous foal, won the Belmont Stakes in 2011.

    Price: $70 million

    Photo: Twitter
    Photo: Twitter
    Photo: CNN
    Photo: CNN

  2. Although considered the most expensive dog breed in the world, the Tibetan Mastiff was formerly placed lower on the list of most expensive animals. But the purebred Red Tibetan Mastiff Big Splash was sold for $1.5 million in 2011. The aggressive dog didn't set the record-long because a Tibetan Mastiff was sold for $1.9 million in China in 2015.

    In the near future, the nameless Mastiff is unlikely to be beaten by a more expensive puppy. The Mastiff breeding market in China was growing six years ago because this kind of dog symbolizes success and wealth, but it suddenly crashed, causing prices to plummet. The gigantic animals were released when many breeding facilities were shut down. The massive monsters are now causing problems in rural Tibet. Over 100,000 stray Mastiffs roam the countryside, attacking bears, snow leopards, foxes, and other small mammals.

    Price: $ 1.9 million

    Photo: Living Stories
    Photo: Living Stories
    Source: Alux
  3. Top 3


    Some renowned champion camels can fetch millions of dollars, but a camel might cost anywhere from $20.000 to $50.000 to a Western pet owner. Camels are prized as highly as thoroughbred horses in North Africa and the Middle East, where camel racing is a big industry. Dromedaries account for about 90% of all domesticated camels on the planet (with one hump). Wild Bacterian and Bacterian camels are two hump kinds that are less frequent and mostly found in Asia.

    You will be surprised to know a man paid $7 million Saudi Riyal (~$1.8 million) to buy a camel. The identity of the person who paid such a hefty price for the camel has not been revealed. This camel which is auctioned is well-known all over the world for its special beauty and unique characteristics. This kind of camel is extremely rare in the world.

    Price: $1.8 million

    Photo: Piqsels
    Photo: Piqsels
    Photo: Al Arabiya
    Photo: Al Arabiya
  4. The price of a Holstein cow is between $900 and $3000. When Missy was sold for $1.2 million in 2009, she became the world's most expensive cow. Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy is an award-winning Holstein cow whose full name is Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy.

    At the time of the sale, she was three years old. She'd already established herself to be a fantastic display cow, which is probably why she was so valuable. No one was shocked that she sold for such a large sum because she was easily the most valued cow at the time. The cow is capable of producing 50% more milk than a typical Holstein cow. Her premium price is due to her champion pedigree and exceptional genetic characteristics. The cow's owners gained the right to sell Missy's precious embryos when they purchased the young Holstein, despite the cow's high price.

    Price: $1.2 million

    Photo: The Globe and Mail
    Photo: The Globe and Mail
    Source: Universal Media
  5. Cloned animals rank top among the most expensive animals. It is simply because of a particular time and labor-intensive. The cost of cloning a dog is twice that of cloning a cat due to the reproductive constraints in a dog's estrous cycle. Animal cloning involves injecting the animal's stored DNA into the egg of a surrogate dog.

    Despite opposition from animal rights organizations, physicians, and scientists, which claim that spending thousands of dollars on a replica pet when there are already so many homeless people is wasteful, a South Korean company put the DNA of a beloved dog named Lancelot into a surrogate dog's egg. Especially, a Florida couple paid $155.000 for a cloned Yellow Labrador in 2009. After the dog passed away, the couple won the opportunity to have their pet cloned in an auction by BioArts, a California-based firm, which employed Sooam Biotech Research Foundation to complete the retriever recreation. Lancelot Encore - the cloned Labrador is said to have many of the same traits as his predecessor, particularly in the looks department.

    Price: $150.000

    Photo: Splash
    Photo: Splash
    Photo: Daily Mail
    Photo: Daily Mail
  6. You can pay $140.000 for a beautiful white lion cub if you like rare wild animals. A recessive gene gives these incredibly unusual lions their color. The lions carrying the rare mutation were bred until an entire group of individuals was separated. White lion cubs are normally encountered in a restricted environment at a zoo, rarely available for private possession, breeders must be sought out and owners must be willing to pay the asking price.

    White lions are found in the Timbavati region of South Africa and have a recessive trait that causes them to be white. Providing fresh meat, obtaining permits, transporting the cat to a specialized wildlife veterinarian, and constructing an enclosure in which the cubs can reside might all cost more than the purchase price. Although lions are not suitable for domestication, affluent landowners can build their own private zoos for white lions in areas and nations where exotic pet rules are weak.

    Price: $140.000

    Photo: Pinterest
    Photo: Pinterest
    Photo: Scoop Whoop
    Photo: Scoop Whoop
  7. A stag beetle can cost as little as $10 or as much as $1.500 in Japan. The rarer enormous stag beetles, on the other hand, attract greater prices, with one unidentified Japanese resident paying $90.000 for a larger-than-average stag beetle in 1999. The stag beetle has a shiny black head and thorax, with a chestnut brown wing case. Male and female species have distinct characteristics. Anglers on male beetles are enormous. They are oversized mandibles that are employed for courtship displays and wrestling with other male beetles. They reach a length of 35mm to 75mm. Female beetles, on the other hand, reach a length of 30 to 50mm.

    In Japan, fireflies, beetles, and crickets are popular pets, and pet stores in Japan are somewhat different from those in different countries. Japanese store owners struggle to safeguard their pricey insects from thieves since their establishments are filled with them. Beetles are considerably easier to steal than a cherished dog or cat.

    Price: $90.000

    Photo: Documentary Tube
    Photo: Documentary Tube
    Photo: India Times
    Photo: India Times
  8. Despite the fact that the importing of chimps and other apes and monkeys as pets is prohibited in some countries, several affluent pet owners discover ways to purchase chimps and other apes and monkeys from smugglers.

    A baby chimp can cost up to $60.000, although most campaigners and animal rights activists oppose keeping apes as pets. Because they're more adorable and open to teaching, young chimps attract the greatest rates. Besides the purchase cost, it is expensive to feed and house chimpanzees properly, too. Chimpanzee veterinary care is complex, specialized, and difficult to find. And when the owner realizes they cannot appropriately care for them, it’s difficult to find a place for them to go. In the wild, chimps, on the other hand, stay with their moms for up to five years before going out on their own. When smugglers remove chimps from their moms, they damage their development and socialization skills.

    Price: $60.000

    Photo: Wealthy Gorila
    Photo: Wealthy Gorila
    Photo: Pixabay
    Photo: Pixabay
  9. The Savannah cat, which resembles a miniature leopard, may cost up to $20.000 for a distinguished pedigree. This cat breed is unique because it is the only one that is classified according to how much of each breed it contains. Although it has the appearance of a wild cat, it is a hybrid breed mated by crossing a Siamese with a wild Serval. They are costly because successfully breeding a domesticated cat with a Serval is difficult. Price, as well as the gender of the cat, may be influenced by generational disparities. Savannah cats are expensive to care for, and any necessary vet bills add to the cost.

    Savannahs are a great companion for experienced cat owners. They are devoted to their owners and suspicious of strangers. However, some countries, such as Australia, have banned cats due to animal conflicts.

    Price: $20.000

    Photo: The Second Angle
    Photo: The Second Angle
    Photo: Shuttershock
    Photo: Shuttershock
  10. Palm Cockatoos are rarer and more expensive than other Cockatoos due to difficulties in reproducing the species. The bird, sometimes known as the Great Black Cockatoo, can cost up to $20.000. They're one of the most vocal parrot species, with a wide range of vocalizations. Because of their sluggish mating habits and the disappearance of their habitats owing to human development, they are rare birds. Every two years, a female Palm Cockatoo lays a single egg.

    In addition, the palm cockatoo requires a lot of attention and maintenance.

    Depending on its size (the black Palm Cockatoo is the largest cockatoo), the palm cockatoo consumes a lot and is particular about what it eats. Because the birds are more susceptible before they reach young adulthood, they require regular medical attention from an early age. All of these expenses usually imply that breeders spend a significant amount of money before selling their birds.

    Price: $20.000

    Photo: eBird
    Photo: eBird
    Source: Blue bird's in blue World

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