Books, stories, novels, and poetry are literary forms rich in symbolism that has been rich in history, making a splash. When the seventh art form, cinema, was ...
The United States of America is a home of number incredible writers who have inspired literature and art all across the world in just two centuries. Great ...
Many women vocalists have made important contributions to the genre throughout history. And all of history's greatest female vocalists have that indefinable ...
A talented vocalist may take you by surprise with a thunderous roar or a gentle whisper. A famous vocalist may move you to tears, inspire you, and alter your ...
Books allow people to interact with one another, and reading has been shown to improve empathy. Which authors, on the other hand, have had their writings read ...
In roughly two centuries, France has produced a plethora of outstanding writers who have influenced literature and art all around the world. The list below ...
Korean films are some of the most realistic and inventive in the industry today. Korea's film industry is the most well-known in the world for all types of ...
Since the beginning of the film business, American actors have been the driving force behind people pouring into theatres across the world and handing over ...
The popularity of music albums best illustrates the distinction between appreciating a song by a certain artist and becoming a fan of that musician. The ...
The Paper Mario series began two decades ago on August 11, 2000, with the release of Paper Mario for the Nintendo 64 in Japan. Since then, five more mainline ...
So, who is the best rapper in history? Every rap fan has had this conversation: sometimes, it has even exploded into a full blown argument. Toplist would also ...
Over the years, the finest memoirs in literary history have managed to both educate and delight readers. Unlike autobiographies, which relate the author's life ...
ABC has been around for decades, and it began as a radio network before television became more prominent in the US. ABC's entry into comedies is almost as old ...
Kung Fu is an integral part of Chinese culture, and Chinese action films are virtually invariably Kung Fu flicks. Many of these films represent Kung Fu as more ...
CBS has been established for decades, starting out as a radio station before television became popular in the United States. CBS's entry into comedy is nearly ...
Korean films have always been noted for their soulfulness and real performances by the performers, among other distinguishing features. Toplist will showcase ...
America has created some of the world's most gorgeous and brilliant actresses. American actresses have made a name for themselves in every program and film in ...
Movies have always been an important part of modern life; some make people laugh, while others transport them on a fantastic journey. There are several films, ...