One thing that distinguishes 24symbols from other eBook subscription services is the social element. Readers may build their own libraries and stock their shelves with digital books. They may also maintain their own profile and share what's on their reading lists or what they've just read with others. Aside from that, 24symbols recommends books based on your digital collection that they believe you may enjoy. Because the platform is cloud-based, there is no need to download files. You can browse through an extensive selection of books, including bestsellers, biographies, historical novels, memories, romance, science fiction, and even dictionaries. Plus, books are available for reading offline in case you love reading on a long flight.
24symbols is a digital reading subscription service. In exchange for a small monthly fee, you can download and read on any device (a smartphone, a tablet, an e-reader with a web browser or a computer) the books you want from a catalog of more than 500,000 titles, in several languages. This subscription does not imply any commitment to stay, you can easily cancel it at any time by entering the "Subscription" section.
Price: Unlimited reading for $8.99/month.
Deal: No free trial available.
Subscribes: https://www.24symbols.com/