Bookmate is a mobile reading app and an eBook subscription service. Users of Bookmate may search through 12 million volumes grouped by category and editorial lists. Bookmate differs from its competitors in that it allows users to browse through their friends' feeds and bookshelves. Users may also upload and sync their own EPUB and FB2 books across all devices. Bookmate provides an excellent reading program with a well-designed and user-friendly layout. Users may utilize translation words, highlight terms, search for definitions, and look up definitions.
Bookmate is a subscription based e-book service that makes reading accessible to anyone in the world with a mobile phone. They inspire millions of people around the globe to read more, discover new books and find new friends with common interests. Bookmate brings readers, authors, publishers, brands and distribution partners together through a strong business model. Bookmate is actively growing in Scandinavia, Europe, Latin America, Russia and Southeast Asia.One disadvantage of Bookmate is that their collection lacks well-known titles, so you won't discover current New York Times bestsellers. Bookmate, on the other hand, is a wonderful alternative for discovering new titles. This is one of the best ebook subscriptions.
Price: Unlimited reading for $9.99/month or $99.96/year.
Deal: 7-day free trial.