A Cell Phone Has Never Caused a Gas Station Fire
The same warning stickers are probably there at every gas station you've visited in the previous 20 years if you've ever stopped to get gas. Some clearly state not to use a cell phone while pumping gas since doing so could result in an explosion. Others simply depict the phone itself. You will be informed that sparks near a fueling pump could cause fumes to ignite by those with more detailed warnings. Of course, sparks can actually ignite gasoline fumes. But when did your phone start shooting sparks?
These stickers are required by the National Fire Protection Association because there is a possibility that your cell phone could start a fire. Do you recall the reports of people's phones catching on fire? There is still a potential that this might occur. You're not supposed to use your phone since there's a chance.
The only justification for the ban is actually that chance. No one's phone has ever caused a fire to start at a petrol station. Other safety organizations have recently reevaluated the risk and found that there is really no need to keep your phone hidden because the risk is so minimal.