A Programming Approach to Computability (Monographs in Computer Science)
"A Programming Approach to Computability" was written by A.J. Kfoury, Robert N. Moll, and Michael A. Arbib. They base their approach to computability on the language of while-programs, a slimmed-down version of PASCAL, and save examination of classic models like Turing machines, string-rewriting systems, and p. -recursive functions for the last chapter, which is dedicated to correcting the theory.
Theoretical computer science is centered on computability theory. However, many of its fundamental principles were found by mathematical logicians before the development of the first stored-program computer, which is ironic. As a result, many texts on computability theory seem far removed from the problems of today's computer science students. A Programming Approach to Computability is considered one of the best books on theoretical computer science.
Computer science aims to offer a scientific foundation for the study of information processing, algorithmic problem solving, and computer architecture and programming. Over the last 40 years, advances in science, microelectronics, and programming methodology have allowed enormous programs to be designed with increasing speed and reduced error, as well as the development of mathematical techniques to allow the rigorous specification of program, process, and machine.
Authors: A.J. Kfoury, Robert N. Moll, Michael A. Arbib
Link to buy: https://www.amazon.com/-/es/J-Kfoury/dp/0387907432/ref=sr_1_1?