Mathematical Logic and Theoretical Computer Science
Professors of mathematics David Kuekker, Edgar G. K. Lopez-Escobar, and Carl H. Smith teach at the University of Maryland, College Park. From recursion theory to Zariski topoi, Mathematical Logic and Theoretical Computer Science cover a wide range of topics. Denotational semantics, recursion theoretic aspects of computer science, model theory and algebra, Automath and automated reasoning, stability theory, topoi and mathematics, and topoi and logic are among the issues discussed by leading international authorities.
Mathematical Logic and Theoretical Computer Science, the most up-to-date review available in its field, will appeal to mathematical logicians, computer scientists, algebraists, algebraic geometers, differential geometers, differential topologists, and graduate students in mathematics and computer science. The book is famous for being one of the best books on theoretical computer science of all time.
Some reviews about this book: “This book includes articles on denotational semantics, recursion theoretic aspects of computer science, model theory and algebra, automath and automated reasoning, stability theory, topoi and mathematics, and topoi and logic. It is intended for mathematical logicians and computer scientists.”
Editors: David W. Kueker, Edgar G. K. Lopez-Escobar, Carl H. Smith
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