A Stepmother's Märchen
"A Stepmother's Märchen" is a love story and captivating adaptation of Nyangi-wa Hyangsinnyo's web novel series, Eotteon Gyemo-nim-ui Märchen, initially presented as a webtoon. Its official book format publication by Carrotoon commenced on October 28, 2020. The story revolves around the enigmatic decision of the late Marquess Johannes von Neuschwanstein to marry a 16-year-old girl, Shuli, barely older than his eldest child. Following his demise, Shuli is thrust into the role of the marchioness, burdened with the weighty responsibilities of managing a prestigious household with close ties to the empire's royal family. Additionally, she becomes the stepmother to four children who harbor deep mistrust toward her.
For seven years, Shuli dedicates herself to raising the children and safeguarding the family fortune, anticipating the day her son Jeremy will assume leadership. However, on the awaited day of Jeremy's wedding, tragedy strikes, and Shuli is caught in a fatal accident.
In a surprising twist, Shuli finds herself transported back in time, hours before Johannes' funeral. The reasons behind this second chance remain uncertain, but Shuli is determined to forge genuine relationships with the children and pursue her own happiness. This tale weaves mystery, familial dynamics, and a second chance at life, promising a compelling narrative of self-discovery and the complexities of familial bonds.
MyAnimeList Rating: 8.10
Published: Jul 4, 2019
Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Romance
Theme: Time Travel
Authors: Nyangi-wa Hyangsinnyo (Story), ORKA (Art)
Read here: namu.wiki/w/어떤%20계모님의%20메르헨(웹툰)