Roxana offers an easy and enjoyable reading experience complemented by outstanding artwork. In "The Abysmal Flower," a tragic romance unfolds, centering around the heroine Sylvia Pedelian. The story takes a dark turn, revolving around her quest for revenge upon discovering the disappearance of her brother, Cassis. Transported into the novel's world, a Korean student realizes she has become Roxana, the ill-fated daughter of the Agreces, sworn enemies of the Pedelians.
As Roxana, she grapples with her father Lante's capture and abuse of Cassis, devising a plan to save both her brother and herself. Within the unforgiving Agrece castle, a realm marked by betrayal, violence, and bloodshed, Roxana witnesses her family's heinous acts over the years. She patiently awaits the moment she can rescue the shackled and battered Cassis. When given the chance to personally care for him, Roxana's rare show of compassion prompts Cassis to vow to reciprocate the kindness, despite the toll it takes on her physical and mental well-being. The narrative weaves a gripping tale of vengeance, sacrifice, and the complexities of familial ties within a dark and compelling world.
MyAnimeList Rating: 7.94
Published: Jan 31, 2021
Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Romance
Themes: Psychological, Villainess
Authors: Kin (Story), Yeoreumbit (Art)
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