A Student's Guide to Maxwell's Equations
Daniel Fleisch is an Associate Professor of Physics at Wittenberg University in Ohio. Radar cross-section measurement, radar system analysis, and ground-penetrating radar are among his research interests. He belongs to the American Physical Society (APS), the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT), and the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers (IEEE).
Maxwell's equations are four of science's most influential equations. Each equation is the focus of a whole chapter in A Student's Guide to Maxwell's Equations, making it an excellent resource for undergraduate and graduate courses in electromagnetism and electromagnetics. The book is one of the best books on differential equations.
Four of the most influential equations in physics are Gauss' law for electric fields, Gauss' law for magnetic fields, Faraday's law, and the Ampere Maxwell law. Each equation is the focus of a complete chapter in this student handbook, with thorough, plain language explanations of the physical significance of each symbol in the equation, for both the integral and differential forms. The final chapter demonstrates how Maxwell's equations can be coupled to generate the wave equation, which serves as the foundation for the electromagnetic theory of light. This book is an excellent resource for electromagnetism and electromagnetics courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Author: Daniel Fleisch
Link to buy: https://www.amazon.com/Students-Guide-Maxwells-Equations-Guides/dp/0521701473/
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