A Thousand Cranes
"A Thousand Cranes", a captivating masterpiece both written and illustrated by the talented Jung Seokchan, delves deeply into the tumultuous journey of adolescence, casting a haunting and macabre shadow on the protagonist's path. In this compelling narrative, we meet Craig, burdened by the oppressive presence of his violent father, desperately yearning to escape the horrifying reality that plagues his household. Yet, despite his fervent longing to break free, Craig finds himself shackled by the responsibility of protecting his innocent younger brother, compelling him to stay behind in the treacherous abyss of his nightmarish existence.
However, "A Thousand Cranes" takes an even more sinister turn as his father suddenly vanishes, leaving in his wake a ruthless group of debt collectors who set their sights on the vulnerable teenager. It is in the midst of this darkness, so typical of BL manhwa storylines, that we hold onto the flickering hope that Craig will sooner rather than later encounter the man of his dreams, providing a glimmer of light amidst the shadows that threaten to consume him.
Genre: Action, Drama, Mystery, Psychological, Romance, Yaoi
Author: Jung Seokchan
Illustrator: Jung Seokchan
Status: Completed
Read here: https://tapas.io/series/athousandcranes/info