Castle Swimmer
"Castle Swimmer" is an enthralling and intriguing webtoon that centers around the captivating story of Prince Siren and Kappa. These two merfolk protagonists find themselves entangled in a daunting prophecy, where the imminent danger to Siren's people can only be averted if one of them sacrifices their life. However, instead of succumbing to the inevitable, a beautiful love story unfolds as Siren and Kappa develop a deep affection for one another.
Their interactions are filled with snarky banter and provocative moments, often leaving a flustered and blushing Siren in their wake. Despite the obstacles they encounter, their unwavering commitment to each other and their relationship remains steadfast. Together, they embark on a quest to alleviate the suffering of the Sharks, braving challenges and seeking a solution.
"Castle Swimmer" is one of the most popular BL webtoon, captivating readers with its heartfelt narrative. While it occasionally dips into childish territory, its overall impact is undeniably powerful, leaving fans eagerly awaiting each new installment.
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Author: Wendy Lian Martin
Illustrator: Wendy Lian Martin
Status: On-going
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